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RE: Steemit and the anxious mind

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Oh man that story is all too familiar! I also was realizing I was getting so caught up with comparing my life with others (I’m competitive by nature so that doesn’t help lol) then I look at my amazing, strong, beautiful, caring husband holding my baby girl and I think to myself what the hell am I worrying about! I have everything I need.. I should just enjoy it and be grateful! I understand what you’re saying about feeling and appearing awkward and comfortable... I suppose in my case I appear to have mastered the art of confidence but little do people know that I am in fact an extroverted introvert.. So basically I appear confident on the outside when I’m in fact shitting myself and anxiously overthinking everything on the inside lol. A catch 22 you could say... But sometimes you just gotta fake it until you (at least appear) that you’ve made it ;) Why is it that you haven’t met any other mamas yet? I only know a couple in my city yet I feel the only thing we really have in common is the fact that we have babies.. so it still feels a little lonely I suppose. I just read your post about your husband and sons.. what a lovely, positive read! You sound like you have such a strong family unit. it actually made me tear a little as I looked at my wonderful husband sleeping next to me right now (I may have had a couple of cheeky wines ;-)) but I just wanted to say how sweet and refreshing it was to hear such a positive story about a happy, functioning family.. it’s not often you hear a genuinely (or so it appears) happy story these days! Props to you lady!