Men need to Open Up

in #life6 years ago

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Men need to Open up to their Feelings. Nowadays men are trying hard to avoid being Emotional infront of others for fear of being Unmanly. Doing so does a lot of harm to them as Pent up Emotions are never good for anyone.


It could be because of the fear of being Bullied in School or any other reason but the fact is Men hide their Emotions. I am not talking about putting your Emotions on your Sleeve but I feel Men should express his true self to atleast someone.


Incase of Women they Cry, they Weep and doing so they relieves all their Pent up Emotions but Men are not like that. But I feel that men should try to show some of their Emotional side.


I am an Emotional Fool and I have no shame in admitting this. I wear my Emotions like I wear my Clothes and there are many People's who talk shit about me behind my back but there are even more People who live me for my Openness.


So go ahead and Pour Your Feelings to Someone.


Hello my friend... I've my ego, but I using that me like as a man with confidence in myself gains the confidence of others

Yes that is true that a Man full of Confidence portrays an Image where others gain Confidence from you but everyone has Enotions and opening them to someone else is always better.

While it might be good for men to do this occasionally and in private, I believe men tend to keep their emotions in check because of the responsibilities they have.

Yes responsibility is yet another Factor that keeps us Holding onto our strong side rather than bursting in Tears.

It's like built into our Genes that we got to be Responsible.

Yes, to be responsible is to be strong. No one follows a leader who let their emotions too openly control their decisions.

I agree. Men would benefit by showing their feelings more. As an aside, you can't develop spiritually, either, without getting in touch with your true self and your feelings.

Exactly the way things are, men cover their emotions, under a shell of rough men and they do not show their feelings, unlike women, we cry, we scream, that makes us stronger and we get rid of all those emotional burdens hehehe

Men tend to hide their emotions most of the time, except when they are surrounded by loved ones and friends.

Exactly. Society nowadays looks down upon showing emotion no matter the gender. Even I, as a female, could not show emotions a few years ago. But as the years have gone by I have realized that the stronger a person is, easier it is for them to show emotions like hurt, sadness, cry, and so on.

As a logical person, it is quite simple as well. What goes in, has to come out. So if we bottle up our emotions, sooner or later they will manifest. If it is unbearable you have a panic attack, meltdown or depression. Thus, just as we laugh and show happiness, we need to cry and balance our human nature.

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