I wonder about sleep...

in #life7 years ago

I am wondering about sleep because it's way after when I meant to go to bed. I was on Skype having a really good conversation then had some stuff to finish that took way longer than I thought, blah blah blah.

But I don't feel tired. I want to stay up and keep working. I'm into the groove and feeling like I feel when I go for long stretches with little sleep.

Something I listened to today said something like "sleep is for people without passion". When I'm really excited about something I don't feel like I need much sleep.

But... obviously, everyone knows you need 8 hours a night right?

After these spurts where I sleep 3 or 4 hours a night for weeks I often barely even feel like it takes a toll. I'll sleep 6 or 7 hours one night and feel completely caught up. And I was getting a ton done in those periods.

Can you get excited enough about something to actually only need half the sleep and still be healthy?
