How to become successful in life? Tips and tricks #1

in #life7 years ago

How to become successful in life? Tips and tricks #1

Today i will talk about how can anyone become successful in anything they do in life.

We see a lot of people that are very successful and we're saying to ourselves how lucky they are, but that is wrong thinking. You need to ask yourself what did they do to get to the point they're at. This has very little to do with luck and it requires a lot of hard work, determination and discipline.

We'll go trough 7 steps below (our example of work is how to create a website tutorial):

1. Choose something that you realy enjoy

Following your passion is the easiest way of doing work, because you will enjoy it. For example if your hobby is creating websites, why not write about it right here on Steemit (a guide or tutorial) and earn something in return. That way you will also contribute your knowledge to others, and help them learn how to create a website.

2. Be serious about your work

Don't just throw some tutorial or guide together, just to publish it, but actualy take your time and explain everything in detail so that someone that has never done it before will easily understand all of the required steps. It helps if you try to put yourself in someone elses position and look on what you've written from their perspective.

3. Be a person that others can turn to when they face any problems

After you publish your work (in our case website tutorial), be there for others if they face any issues following your guide and be prompt to help them solve it. This will increase your reputation and people will be confident to follow your work. This goes the same for any other posts that you publish - be there to reply, answer questions   and be kind and helpfull when doing it.

4. Plan your work in advance

Before you start writing, make a list what you will include in your post and try to develop it further before you actualy write. This will develop a habbit or discipline which is a must of becoming successful at what you do. Because if you plan your work in advance, you can review it and make improvements, check if that's it or re-do it and make it even better than it would be in your first try.

5. Don't do it just for money

It is wrong thinking of doing something you're passionate about just to make money. No. You need to change your mentality of thinking so that you do your work because you know it will help others as well and not only yourself. If you learn this and keep working hard you will quickly see that money comes to you anyway.

6. Be different from others

Stop looking what others do, don't copy or imitate their work even if they are very successful. The most important thing about writing is that you are unique, different from others, that you can contribute something that others haven't, and that you do it better.

7. Respect your own time

Many say time is money. And they're right. Life is to precious to waste, and todays most successful people don't have habbits that most of others do. If you just think in % how many companies are really big and making tons of profits (for example 10%) compared to everyone else (90%) who are struggling or maybe making some money but don't have any proper impact in comparisson to the biggest, ask yourself why.

For example Bill Gates - Time - He doesn't sit around and watch tv at the end of the day, instead he's already planning what he will do next.

Just imagine, the day has 24 hours, sleep takes around 6hours, and calculate how many hours you are throwing away daily for fun time, watching tv, drinking, etc. Those big leaders will never do that.

No one can beat you at something if you will devote your time to it. If you take 4 hours daily (which you definetly have free), to work on Steemit, that is aproximately 120 hours per month, just imagine how much can you achieve in comparisson to taking 1 hour on two days to post something you like to write about (that's aprox. 30hours per month).

And most of people is right at this 1 hour thinking mentality because they simply don't prefer their time to be used more for work than for fun.

If i can make any impact on your life, try to listen and spare 1 month of your life to follow my 4 hour per day guide. At the end of 30th day you will clearly see how much more you can achieve and earn and you will hopefully thank me.

Follow: @arhitekt

Upvote: If you feel that my contribution is helpfull.


If you love someone truly, never let it go. You may not get the same feelings again with someone else.

If you like something in life, pursue it and dedicate your time for it.

We hope we helped you

Everything you do in life has a purpose

Life has more than one meaning

Great post with actionable ideas to achieve success in whatever one chooses - including Steemit! Upvoted!

Thank you friend.

Great article. Looking forward to your intro!

Hey, thats a niece piece of blog right there, keep it going, youngsters must read that !

Thank you