See things in the abstract.
Don’t read between the lines.

My story is my creation. My right.
Life isn’t a play, I’m not reading a script.
My words are born from my experience. My life.
Leave my narrative to me.
I don't govern your thoughts
I won’t dictate your truth
Your ideas hold meaning shaped by you.
You do you with your truth and let my facts be
Don’t perform my identity castration.
Leave my words to me.
My mind is unique. I don't fit in your box! I'm alive- not uncertain it's me!
Don't stamp my existence. Accept, no restraint.
Only I know how to be me.
I create wild, awe, outlandish, I exist! I am free.
My narrative is custom fitted for me.
You're unique and I listen. I love that you're you.
Your ipseity is perfect and true.
From only your lips should your own words pass free
So, please,
leave my narrative to me.

Enjoyed your words ☺️
That really means a lot <3
Nice prose, beautiful spells to manifest 🙂
Thank you 🙏