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RE: Observing Perception

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This year I've been lucky enough to come face to face with how my perceptions create my reality. In many instances my old wounds caused me to project negative beliefs on to certain situations and people. One of those examples: someone sending a text and saying one thing, and me reading it through my own filters and assuming it meant something different. I am healing old wounds too so it always happens in perfect timing to help see and learn the lessons clearly. Nice post!


I'm right there with you, I had no clue how my perceptions were affecting me and my reactions. Texts are a classic example, they are so hard to interpret since you don't have body language to help. Thanks for the comment, I'll have to check your blog soon, been a busy weekend so far :)

Yes, it was a big mess when it happened but it was also liberating. I realized we really do create our own reality. The whole world could be offering help and support but if our beliefs don't support that reality we won't see it at all.