Hey! You! W T F Is Wrong With You?

in #life6 years ago

This posting is loosely inspired by the song with a similar name by an awesome group: Chombichrist.

Remember, remember! The fifth of November, The Gunpowder treason and plot; I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot!

People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people!

GREETINGS, PEOPLE OF THE WORLD - WE ARE ANONYMOUS. The banking-military-industrial-complexes of the world keep pushing to divide The People. They put blames on certain groups, and keep us divided, ignoring them who are the true threats. No one group is more a threat than any others. Humanity, as a whole, has done great harm to other humans. When one group is cast with blame, we shall show the other side of such stories...these are the sides that the corporate media don't want you to think of. Just follow the bouncing ball, sit back, and don't question.

Some of us will no longer do so…

If you identify yourself as Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, left or right, or a similar group, the question is why? Really and truly think about it. You are being set up, and don't even realize it. The more the globalists can do to keep you divided, the better it is, for them. Instead of worrying about how much son one has been getting (color of one's skin), or where you go when you die (religion), you should be looking at the much larger picture. These little pieces are connected. Then, these smaller pictures are connected to an even larger story. Most are blind to these facts, and either are not aware, or refuse to be aware, and either way, they win.

No matter which side you claim to support, members on both sides decided to give Wall Street, aka, the banks, HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS in dollars to be bailed out, while allowing Main Street, aka, The People, to be foreclosed on by the same corrupt banks.

There you have it. The man, at the time, who was The Head of The Federal Reserve, being interviewed by Congress, admitting he had no idea where ½ Trillion Dollars went. And these weren't to banks in the US, but to foreign banks, in other nations. Some of those banks include banks in Japan, Belgium, Scotland, and other parts of the U K. Why is the American people being put on the hook for nearly a Trillion Dollars, for money being given to others? Why can't their own banks get the money? Why doesn't The World Bank, or the International Money Fund I M F provide it?

Maybe, for one, it has to do with The Federal Reserve is NOT a government agency. It is an independent association, under the control of the international banking cartels. The U S Constitution specifically gives Congress the authority to make the money, which is supposed to be backed by silver and gold. Yet now, our phony money is debt. It is backed by nothing, and isn't worth the paper. Who controls that debt? Who do we owe money to, in the national debt? More importantly, should the debt collectors call the debt, how will the debt be paid?

Land and resources. Any time federal, state, or private land is taken, and made private, therein is a huge piece to the puzzle. Not just the land itself, but whatever the land has. If it has trees, they become a valuable asset, for anything that we get from trees. Oil. Minerals. Precious metals. If the globalists have it, where does that leave the rest of us? We are human resources. And like many resources, we are expendable.

Perhaps one of the most evilist of tools the globalists have is that of eminent domain. What is it? This partial video by Now This World may help.

What solution is there? Maybe part of this video by the same group How To Start Your Own Country is a solution?


Maybe The People of The World should demand a Sabbatical year, known as Shemittah, literally: “to release.” The Shemittah year waives all outstanding debts between Jewish debtors and creditors; something the people of the world of the nations, should demand. Every 7 years, this occurred. Of course, this would be followed by a year of Jubilee, like in The Old Testament, which is a collection of 7 Shemittahs.

In truth, why should any major debt, like an auto, or place to live, cost more than can be paid within 7 years? It is ridiculous, and keeps the people in bondage to the creditors. With people being in-debt, they are unable to pay attention to the process of politics, the process that is responsible for EACH AND EVERY aspect of your life, and existence. When one says they don't care about politics, they play into the globalists hands, for the few people that care about the political process, the fewer there are, to oppose their goals. The fewer people, and the more divided we are, the more they can seize land through eminent domain, robbing through the theft of taxation or foreclosure, when one can't pay their taxes and other debts, and the worse it is for us all.

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forgive. We do not Forget. EXPECT us!