Twenty Indicators That Signal You May Be Living In The Matrix

in #life7 years ago


This list, originally shared at, really shows how much the average person can be stuck seeing only what they want us to see in our truly fake, messed up world.

You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” –The Matrix


Twenty Indicators That Signal You May Be Living In The Matrix:

1. You spend most of your time devoted to paying off a mortgage rather than enjoying life.

2. You can’t wait for the weekend to come.

3. You judge your success by the car you drive, the suburb you live in, and the size of the house you own.

4. The wealthy are rewarded for plundering the earth while those trying to save it are ridiculed.

5. You work in a job you don’t enjoy, thinking the money you earn will offset the misery of working in a job or career you are not passionate about.

6. You think that by a taking a pill your ills will be cured.

7. You think that someone focused on eating healthy, organic fresh foods is weird, while eating highly processed, nutrient devoid foods is normal.

8. You think buying stuff will make you happy.

9. You watch the news on television and think this is the truth.

10. You’re more focused on your favourite sports team than concerned about the natural world and environment on which you depend for survival.

11. You believe growth and the development of the economy is a good thing and that globalization creates jobs.

12. You conform with the status quo and never question why things are done.

13. You think traffic congestion, pollution, and sensory overload are part of normal everyday life.

14. You think there is a difference between political parties and that they will enact real change.

15. You think there are terrorists around every corner and they are a threat to you and your community, despite the fact that you have 150 times more chances of being hit by lightning than being involved in a terrorist attack.

16. You think eating genetically modified food and eating fruit and vegetables sprayed with pesticides is OK.

17. You think the mainstream media is independent and unbiased.

18. You think constant distraction through the media such as sport, trivial affairs, and celebrity gossip is news.

19. You think living next to a cell tower is cool because you get better reception.

20. You wait in line for the next release of the latest technological gadget.