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RE: A Bear Lady

in #life5 years ago

So cute - I was wondering if you are out of your houses already. We are on lock down for 3 weeks starting today... I hope everybody listens because we have some trouble makers. It irritates me - the longer we do not stay in our homes the longer we will have to stay . But no, always selfish people.... How can you expect to get real beer with plastic money?? The little lady is clever


We are on the lockdown too. I am lucky in the beer front because I bought a wodge in advance!

It is grim though eh? All these people ignoring it are just adding to the problem. Although in saying that, since the official lockdown has started people have been much better here. Or prime minister has it now!

I saw that - yes i think it will get better but these 18-20 year old kids and especially the black ones with the mentality that they are invincible and the world owes them something are the trouble makers. They have too many rights with no responsibilities - think the police must give them a good hiding and make and example but in this country where most are so over sensitive Police brutality news will overshadow the virus.... I really hope everybody starts to listen - I do not want to sit in my house for 3 weeks for nothing.

It works be a terrible thing of it was a wasted three weeks and everyone had to do it all again for maybe even longer.

Let's hope the naughty pups get a hold of themselves or someone gets a hold of them and makes them see sense