hypno teaching

in #life7 years ago

How to teach with hypnoteaching technique is quite effective. However, many still do not know more about hypnoteaching. By reading further you will find out how to teach with hypnoteaching techniques.
Imagine yourself as a teacher who is figuring out how to teach effectively. That way, you will find it very easy to receive knowledge about this hypnoteaching.

Hypno is derived from the word hypnosis which means a state in which a person is in a trance condition, or is easy to accept suggestions. Teaching is a word from english, ie teach which means teaching. Thus, Hypnoteaching is a way of learning or how to teach by using the element of hypnosis, ie when someone can receive suggestions easily.

Unlike Hypnoteraphy, when doing hypnoteaching, clients (here students) are fully conscious-with their eyes open. The main aim of hypnoteaching is to awaken motivation within each student.
The cause of the absence of knowledge from the teacher is because students' minds are being split or unfocused. This is where the use of teaching methods with hypnoteaching techniques. That is, by relaxing the students' minds so that the knowledge gained can be understood well.

Quick Tips Raising Student Relax Feelings
Any enclosed will not get to the destination. Likewise with the mind. When the mind does not focus will block any information that will enter the brain. An easy way to focus the mind is to make the brain and body relax. Here are brief tips to make your students relax.

In this technique, you as a teacher are in charge of guiding your students to do it. Do these tips before the learning session begins.

  1. Stance Eyes
  2. Ask your students to close their eyes.
  3. When the eyes are closed, continue by asking them to glance the eyes up.
  4. Tell your students to focus their minds.
  5. Do more for 5 minutes.

Here is one example of how to teach with hypnoteaching techniques that can make your students' motivations appear when you give a command.
Unencumbered Deuteronomy with Double Appeal

Double-appeals are two diverting options that aim to close the main goal.
Consider the following dialog.

Teacher: "Children, will you repeat today or next week?"

Student: "Sunday depaan"

You want to repeat. For some students, repetition is considered a burden. In order for students to feel light in repetition, a transfer is made, that is time. In the mind of the students, there is only "next week" not "repeat". That way, students will be light in receiving the repeat as you wish.

That's the practice of Hypnoteaching. You need to know hypnoteaching is not a technique that can make your students smarter. It is not the only technique that makes you hypnotic by simply suggesting your students. Hypnoteaching is just a technique that helps ease in learning activities. If you want to use a simple and effective technique use a method of teaching with hypnoteaching techniques.


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