Kaleidoscopic! Dream about tripping.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Kaleidoscopic !


You guys ever had a dream about tripping?

So it’s been a long time since I’ve tripped! but last night I had a dream that I was tripping and it felt incredibly real! it started with me bringing home some friends (people I don’t actually recognize but they seemed to be my friend in the dream) & they made some tea and wanted me to try it. So of course I did, then a few seconds later I started to feel a bit odd. I knew immediately that the tea had something in it & I asked them what they put in it. I don’t remember exactly what they said but they confirmed that they put some sort of psychedelic drug in it and I began to feel like I was really tripping! They thought it was hilarious to drug me. I was upset but I didn’t want to have a bad trip so I tried my best to just ride the waves and make the best of it, it came to a point where I did not know I was dreaming. I would wake for a brief moment and realize I was dreaming then go right back into the same dream and that just confused the hell out of me, because I began to loose what was real and what wasn’t...I kept asking the people in my dream if this was real or if I was just dreaming. But because I was tripping they all kept laughing and promising me it was real. I genuinely believed them & thought maybe it was real and I was just tripping really hard, I literally could not tell it wasn’t a dream, I just thought it was the drugs effecting me so I just tried to ride it out. But I was REALLY fucked up. I feel like there is so much more that I can’t even put into words, This is honestly the best I could describe it. I’ve never experienced a dream like this, it was crazy!! A hudge mind fuck lol.


Sharing the experience of one of my patient! This is what she told...!




an interesting dream .. a hearty share. thank you for sharing with us

when you die, you will wake up as an alien, holding a bong, surrounded by other aliens who will ask you how your trip was :D :D