Life in Europe #30
April Birthday Celebrations
April was my birth month, and I had luckily received so many lovely gifts, cards and love. I feel grateful that the people who are close to my heart know what pleases me. Just wanted to share the happiness with you. Also I want to dedicate this post to my dearest Steemit friend @mdn who is a fellow April girl. Hope she is well and I can share all this joy with her.
4月はわたしの誕生日の月だったのですが、たくさんお祝いをしていただき有り難い1ヶ月でした。毎年4月にバルコニーのお花を綺麗に植え替えますが、そこにぴったりの黒いじょうろを頂いたり、ランチやディナーで乾杯してもらったり。私と同じ4月生まれの@mdn にも、お誕生日おめでとう!を贈ります。
By the way, over the last few weeks, I have been having some good times in London and Windsor, I will post about it soon, which includes delicious scones and tea obviously. So see you soon!