If you eat too much salt, you may be suffering from many diseases, including chronic hypertension and cholesterol, so you should be careful when you eat foods that contain high levels of sodium.
For this reason, the American Heart Association has listed the most harmful foods containing salt and should be treated with caution and minimized as much as possible. These foods will be presented to you as follows:
Toasted Breads:
Contains high amounts of calories and carbohydrates and contains a percentage of salt and if not clear taste in which one baked piece contains up to 230 milligrams of sodium, which is equivalent to the proportion of fifteen percent of the amount that a person must obtain On him in one day.
Cold Meal:
Examples of meatballs, which are a health-threatening diet, are one serving of turkey meat containing up to 1.050 milligrams of sodium, much of which is used to keep food from being damaged.
the pizza:
Contains a large amount of fat, calories, cholesterol and salt One pizza slice contains up to 760 milligrams of salt.
Is not healthy enough, as many believe because the method of processing has left different levels of salt and may be thought that some of the best way to health is through Xie without skin, but even this way it has a high proportion of sodium.
the soup:
The average amount of salt in a single dish of soup is up to 940 mg and although it is healthy food especially for children, it should not be too much to eat.
Which contain ready meals such as tuna, burgers and grilled cheese with a large proportion of salt. The ingredients of the sandwich with tomato sauce, mustard and various types of sauce contain high proportions of salt and the ratio in the sandwich slice is up to 1,500 milligrams of Sodium.
Therefore, eating large amounts of salt lead to the body's heart disease and swelling of the face and the emergence of halos around the eyes and swelling of the fingers and feet.