10 Things You Should Give Up To Live Better

in #life7 years ago

me park.jpg

Have you ever been frustrated and disappointed because things don’t move forward, success cannot be seen and there are problems around you?

What do you do then?

Most probably what I do and what most of us do too.


We fall into the negative flow and concentrate on lack of success, unsolved problems and anger. We become impatient, start to stress out and think of million negative things at once. 

”My blog does not get enough traffic…”, ”no one reads me…”, ”I am not good enough…”, ” It’s impossible…”, ”I can’t…”, ”Life is not fair…”, ”My boss is a monster…”, ”My job is terrible…”, ”I don’t have enough money…”, ” I am so lonely…”, ”I am fat…”, etc… 

The thoughts turn in your mind and with snowball effect bring more negative feelings and additional unexpected problems. 

But why do we get into this stage at first place? 

 Maybe because there are some things in life we should give up, but we don’t. These things get together and contribute to our bad mood and low self-esteem. 

Most probably we will not succeed and feel happy, until we give up those.
So what are those things? What should we give up today? 

1. Complaining 

Complaining is not productive. It does not solve the problem. It does not make you feel better either. Just the opposite – by complaining you only re-live your problem over and over again. 

2. Procrastinating 

If we postpone solving our problems all the time we will be living with those problems all the time. It is as simple as that. 

3. Lying to yourself and others 

Fooling others is bad, but fooling yourself is much worse. Lies usually lead to bigger lies and at some point they make you lose the objective perception of the reality. 

4. Depending on people’s opinion 

When you depend on other people’s opinion you start acting according to their expectations. This means that your wishes, dreams, values are not priority, but other people’s are. You will never be happy as long as you do that. It’s your life, not theirs – remember that! 

5. Worrying about the past 

There always comes a stage, when you have to leave your past behind. Stop worrying about what you did. Stop worrying about what you were supposed to do but didn’t. Accept the fact that things turned out the way that did and it is ok. Keep only the nostalgic feelings and nice memories from the past and let go all the rest. 

6. Blaming others 

Yes, it is so easy to blame others. It makes you believe that you are not responsible and that it was not your fault.
Guess what?
You and only you are responsible for your life, for how it is and how it is not. You may not like how you live and that might not be your fault. But not liking your life and not doing anything to change the situation is your choice. So stop looking for someone to blame and require changes from you instead. 

7. Resisting the change 

Yes, I know that sometimes changes are scary. I know that the uncertainty and unknown caused by changes may be intimidating. But I also know that changes may bring opportunities and better beginnings.

8. Expecting immediate results 

There is no magic stick and no shortcut to success. Longed results are fruit of your efforts, time and work. So just do what you are required to get where you want to be and be patient. If you are persistent enough you will get there sooner or later. But not immediately, that’s for sure. 

9. Making excuses 

We can always think of different excuses not to be happy. But the truth is that they are not as strong as we present them to be. They are there – but the fact is that they are not good enough! 

10. Striving for perfection 

In this life nothing is perfect. By trying to be perfect we spend extra energy and effort in vain. Perfectionists are never happy by their results and feel disappointed most of the time. 

To be honest, I have not completely given up the above points yet but I am trying. Something tells me that without them life will be much better, lighter and happier. 

What about you? What do you think is standing between you and your happiness? 


Quality post. You nailed it here and there is nothing but the hard truth. It is hard to accept for the most of us. I mean, we all want to be happier but the thing is, deep down we don't want to give up most of these things. I don't know why, maybe it's in our nature. Lots of people love to complain, lie and depend on everyone's opinion. In fact, they could not live without these things. Despite all this, they still say they are not happy.

I am a perfectionists whenever i try to create something like music, and that hurt my progress so far. I feel that nothing i create is good enough but i am trying to cure this problem by forcing myself to get things done.

Of course, i upvoted your post and i followed you. I expect more posts like this in the future ! You can feel free to follow me ass well, only if you wish. Cheers !

Thank you for the comment.
I think in art we are never happy with our results... which may be good in a sense that it makes us grow and become better. As long as we just force ourselves to publish and share what we have created even without thinking that it's perfect we'll be fine.
Followe you too, of course)

Many thanks ! I see your point and it's true, this approach makes us grow and become better but i have this advice for others because i did the mistake of not realeasing my stuff out there for the public earlier. You need to share whatever you are creating with the public! Somebody will surely like it even if you may not think so. It also helps you grow faster because of the feedback.

yes, true...

Dropping some knowledge, thank you, love it.

thanks for reading)

Everything will get better with time passage.
You are really at content writing, looking forward for your posts. :)

I hit all 10 of those before breakfast! Once one or two raise their ugly head, the rest seem to snow ball in!

hehe - true