Why am I spiritual?

in #life7 years ago

I am spiritual because I just am.

Maybe it is because I was brought up a Catholic.

Maybe it is because I admire and respect the Dahlia Lama and his amazing work with spreading the love.

Maybe it is because of the many spot on messages from skilled psychic mediums.

Maybe it is because I keep meeting spiritually minded people who readily chat about their own spiritual things.

I can even call myself an agnostic because of my ongoing search for truth and knowledge. So I am very open to reading and finding new information.

I believe that we are all part of a universal consciousness. I was drawn to finding out as much as I can.

Long ago I was introduced to a number of authors in the 'New Age' section of bookshops. Sylvia Browne, the American Psychic Medium was the first author I enjoyed reading. I liked what I read and really enjoyed finding out about the Other Side. I found her three books on the "Journey Of The Souls " series highly interesting. I have since moved onto many different spiritual books and met many spiritual like minded people.

Whatever one does in life I believe it is done because it feels right. I believe that I am more than a physical being on the earth. I am also spiritual being with a great zest for life. I am someone who has finished my work job and have time .

It is good to reflect and ask yourself why.

Will Rogers says it all:

"If you want to be successful, it's just this simple.
Know what your are doing, Love what you are doing.
And believe what you are doing"



If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments below and I will get to them as quickly as I can

I am always happy to talk


Wow awesome .you are too good

Hello tagarisko, I just am who I am.

yes you are dear ☺

Your spirituality, leads you to do good to the neighbor.
Remembering always that there is more joy in giving than in receiving.

i feel you. what do you believe in?

Great quote for success, we need nothing more than that!