I managed to capture the willy way tail in action after this magpie. They never stop! Everyday all day this willy and its partner persistently harass the magpies. I can hear the snapping of their beaks, see the fluttering of their wing as they chase them across the backyard over the neighbour's fence and back again. I am entertained in one way but also feel a little concerned for the poor magpie. The willy way tails do not back off, do not give the big magpies an inch.*
How insanely annoying it must be for the under seiged magpies.*
But then I know that the willy wag tails are nesting and magpies come and eat the eggs and baby birds. So, yes there is a very sound strategic reason behind the harassment of these black and white predators. I support the wily wag tails, they are only being good parents, looking after their young. I admire their fighting spirit, there is a lot to be learned from these small feisty birds.
Guess what though and maybe only happens in the bird world, our deck is seen as a neutral zone, the Switzerland of the bird world in this garden. When they are hungry the magpie arrives with the small fighting willy wag tail close behind, there seems to be a temporary truce while they both eat. Yes, they both stand relatively close together to eat some meat in peace.

I attempt to end this war by telling the magpies to leave the willy wag tail's nest alone, there is plenty of food here at Angie Mitchell's place. But they do not listen, anyway the willy wag tails are not every going to give up! I want them on my side in a battle.
Happiness guys.
Thank you for reading and commenting.
Howdy there angiemitchell! wow what a scene, you get free entertainment shows right in your own backyard! lol. very interesting post!
Thank you janton, I am easily entertained, lol.