Is amazing how your posts usually hits me in a subject I've been thinking recently, Despite of I've make some really good decisions on the last couple of year, and have some live achievements concretely defined, I feel I've been taking wrong long terms decisions every day.
Procrastination usually be one of the more recorrente long term bad decision I've been taking so far, I usually excuse to my self that is better think more (overthinking...) in order to take better decision on start doing something I'll have to do in the long term, which usually end up with me just delaying its starts indefinitely...
I feel, that i need more time dedicated to think about things, in order to stop all this procrastinating, I mean it could be a long walk on the beach, or in the montain, or even taking a good hot shower. those things use to help me taking good decisions about what should I do next.
see ya dear @kaylinart ♥