It seems like everyone these days is trying to make themself rich.
You see it in the way that some 'Entreprenuers' are held in such high regard.
Some of those folk that I know about and I know some of their backstory, basically just made themselves wealthy at the expense of others. They didn't create good businesses because none of their businesses still exist.
To me we should all be aiming for sustainability.
That is success in my books. I'd rather build something that can last forever than be like all the current crop of folk jumping onto the Crypto bandwagon trying to make a fast buck. They'll all get burned and unfortunately tarnish things for the rest of us.
I totally agree with the parrallels with a tree. You need to plant the seeds, water them, nurture the saplings until they are strong enough to stand on their own.
Like the saying goes. "the best time to plant a tree was yesterday. the next best is today"
Absolutely true!! That's the sad reality that people often reach heights by stepping on others. That is why so many deserving people don't make it.
And yes, sustainability should be the goal. The world won't last long without it.