Hmmm, this is pretty well the first Wilber, Beck, Graves post I've come across on Steemit. I've spent about *20 years studying this stuff so if anyone has any questions feel free to ask:)
- I'm well acquainted with the light and shadow of this map.
Hmmm, this is pretty well the first Wilber, Beck, Graves post I've come across on Steemit. I've spent about *20 years studying this stuff so if anyone has any questions feel free to ask:)
My husband and I just got into Spiral Dynamics. Reading the book and listening to the 6 CD set by Don Beck. I recently heard from Donny Epstein, Ken Wilburs next door neighbor in Boulder, CO, that we are CURRENTLY in the shift to 2nd Tier consciousness and the whole transition should occur within the next 3-12 years. Reality as we know it will change entirely - more so than from the beginning of humanity to now!!! What exciting times we live in!!
I would love your input! Please do tell if I have misunderstood something. I look forward to having a conversation with you some time. :)
Hi, drumvik, I would recommend that anyone take 5-years and study Wilber's oeuvre. I did, I read his whole works over a decade and would recommend anyone interested head over to Frank Visser's site Integral World and spent an equal amount of time applying critical thinking to what you're reading--don't believe all the hype.
BTW: zackery, above puts SDI to one of its worst abuses: pigeonholing peoplel SDI is a decent tool to have in the box but if one doesn't know how to use a hammer properly....
And also, Wilber could be flat out wrong in his spiritual cosmology. Tread carefully:)