Are you trying to increase your income or trying to figure out why you pay so much taxes? Do you want to know which path is the easiest to financial freedom? He I broke out Robert Kiyosaki's ESBI quadrants and I gave what are the pro's and con's of each, so see which on you like and in my next post go into what kind of incomes you can do in them.
Please check out the below and if you have anything I missed please leave a comment below and let's start the conversation.
Now Let's Jump into it!!!
A. Pay high amount in taxes.
B. Work for possible long hours and a large amount of years.
C. Can't control / very difficult pay or vacation time.
D. Difficult to retire from.
E. From low amount of study / school to high amount
A. Paycheck / Income
B. Security
C. Safe
D. Progression in structure
S~~Self Employed & Small Business
A. Pay high amount in taxes.
B. Work for possible long hours and long amount of years.
C. Difficult to control pay or vacation time.
D. Difficult to retire from.
E. Large amount of study
A. Paycheck / Income
B. Security
C. Safe
D. Small amount of leverage
E. Deductions
F. Control the business or industry your in
E. Help & employ few people
B~~Big Business
A. Requires large amount of trust
B. Large amount of hours
C. Large amount of study
D. Building a team
A. Requires large amount of trust
B. High amount of leverage
C. High amount of income
D. Building a team
E. many tax deductions
F. Help & employ many people
G. Financial Freedom
A. Usually require a large amount of money
B. Financial risk
C. Large amount of study
D. Requires large amount of trust
A. Requires large amount of trust
B. High amount of leverage
C. High amount of imcome
D. many tax deductions
E. Help & employ many people
F. Financial Freedom
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I am only telling you what I am doing not encouraging or telling you what to do. You decide what to do with your own funds.
I am creating my own system and big business
wow, in what industry?
I want to be an investor
nice, what would you like to invest in?