We need to take a clear look at what the educational system of today really teaches us. It teaches us how to be a better employee to someone that probably has less years in school than us. But why is that ? They haven't been to university or college but they are financially smart. A very simple answer is, they know how money works and how to make it work for them and not the other way around.
Being educated to work for money, not the other way around!
Today's educational system teaches young students and children like rats giving them grades on how "stupid" or "smart" a person is , if someone goes home with a C whereas you then tell your parents that your friend got an A they will be dissapointed in you but why? Is that person really smarter than you ? The answer is NO , their parents are probably on their ass each and every day wanting them a better life a better job than they had but is that all that it is ? Learning to work for someone else for the rest of your life until you get to the shitty pension?
Source : stax.dvrlists.com/
Financial education is not taught in schools so the parents try to teach it but there is a problem, unless you'r parents are in the top 1% they will teach you how to be poor. They just don't know what they are teaching. If you do get a job remember to get more assets than liabilities as they surely will pull you down, a new car, a new phone is not an asset! They are taking money out of your pocket which you will not get that back.
Why are Doctors, Lawyers and other highly paid jobs people in more debt and stressed than someone who has no job but knows how to handle money ?
They have spent most of their money buying liabilities and nothing else , they want a bigger house a nicer car than their next door neighbor without thinking how it will affect them in the long run. Taxes are higher, doctors and lawyers work from new years to mid may to pay off their taxes. Is that really how you want to live? Paying taxes for the government just to allow you to work in their country ? Guess what taxes used to be gathered only in war times when they needed money for guns,tanks etc... but they have thought let's keep the tax its working great, the people will agree with it , as most business owners and financially rich people of the world pay less taxes than a doctor pays in its entire lifetime. It's because they have purchased assets which once they grow they will just have to relax and wait for the money to come in , the money its working for them.
Source : billsbills.com
The difference between Assets and Liabilities and why its so important.
In simple business terms, purchasing assets are your pros and having liabilities are your cons. An asset can be accomplished in four different categories today we will talk about one which is, real estate but that is not your house which is still a liability as you have to pay for mortgage and other bills each month but investment, purchasing a house then renting that gives you money in the pocket ever month , more and more stacking up. That money is invested now and nobody can take it out from there, eventually your investment will pay off giving you only profits every month after renting it. You can always come back to that house and live if you'd like.
To make it even more simple, if cashflow's into your pocket then that its an asset , if cashflow's out of your pocket then its an liability.
source : richdad.com
Great post as usual.
Thanks for the support.
The entire book can be summed up: Buy assets, don't buy liabilities.
So don't buy the boardgame.
Which book are we talking about here ? Rich Dad Poor dad ? Its a great book. Would recommend reading.
Great post,I work in education and I despair every single day as the cookie cutter goes around each child!
Haha :) Education is good for people atleast have like 8 grades to know a few stuff about life, basic maths literature ....
There are many ways to make money these days that require no higher education at all. If a person were educated well on money management, the education and student loan system would be in big trouble.
Yes this is very correct .People need to start taking more risks than playing it safe.