Hahahah oh Boomy, don't worry it happens to us all. Just days ago I recoiled in absolute horror of photos taken of me at the playground because I looked more turnip with legs than woman of human origin.
Your encounter reminded me of a time many years ago I went clothes shopping with a buddy and after he tried on countless sets of trousers (which were all shite in his opinion), he found a pair that he really liked and then was too embarressed to buy them because they came from the ladies section.
Clothing shopping is generally shite, don't feel alone.
Thank you!! It is nice to not feel alone in that respect!!
That's the other thing about clothes shopping. You see all these amazing looking things and try them on and they look like something that would go on a scarecrow on you. I am always like WTF!?
He should have bought them. I used to wear my old girlfriend jeans sometimes when I stayed over unexpectedly. They fired awfully well!
You hit the nail on the head there - clothing fit for scarecrows. That should be a clothing label for skinny malinky people.
I laughed at his expense - the disdain on his face when he realised it was girl clothing was priceless 🤣
I think if they fit and are comfy like your old gf jeans, then why the hell not? Who's even going to know in this day and age anyway.
Skinny everything. I am like, come on, I don't want to dress like an old bag lady. I want to look at least half decent. But it seems odd it ain't clinging it's not happening! 😃
Lol I can remember there was a craze many years ago where everyone was wearing fake leather pants. They were so clingy that you had to peel them off 🤣
Very glad when fads like that go out of fashion, this too shall pass.