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RE: Steemfat 3 - part 1: A new beginning (a.k.a here we go again)

in #life7 years ago

Like with Steemit or life for that matter have I realized that its much easier to motivate me when you have a fixed end goal with subgoals along the way.
Have you tried to sign up for a run competetion or maybe maybe my new favorite OCR (obstacle race)?
OCR is good in that way that you need to train your entire body because you want to complete as many obstacles as possible at the race 😊
Good luck with the traning!


I once completed a 14 mile mud run with obstacles in the UK. But truth be told my body is not really built for running.

That impresive!
Not mine either, but it helps me to get motivated to train and is really fun :)

Sorry to jump in with yet another comment, I hope you don't think I'm an insufferable know-it-all... but as I've lived with diabetes for many decades, I've researched the hell out of all the diets and training techniques, and tested many... and in my experience HIIT or High Intentisy Interval Training is the best way to train. Long steady-state aerobic training is not, in fact it's one of the worst ways to do it. Yeah I tried that one too... but only 10 miles at a time. 14 miles, that must have been torture. :(