My young nephew decided today that he wanted to write a book and sell it. Naturally he is raising funds for Ninjago® mini-figures and Minecraft® stuff. I wasn't really expecting him to follow through with it so quickly; I promised that if he wrote it out I would publish it for him.
His favorite books are the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, as you might be able to tell from his format. Enjoy!
Diary of a Break-up: Book 1
written and illustrated by Brennan
It all started when we moved houses.
I wondered what happened. And then I knew my mom and step dad broke up. I was sad, so we moved again. I made new friends in Boise.
My mom gave me a phone for in the car.
Mom wanted family.
Things were different but that's okay.
I played more video games -- that's fun. I usually play Minecraft.
The end.