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RE: Growing up in Romania #5: Confessions of a clumsy guy

in #life7 years ago

Buna! If it's any consolation, my mother and father were both programmers, and they likely think of me as being clumsy because I was much more creatively inclined toward literature. I've written my first novel, and you know what my parents' main concern was? "Well you shouldn't be wasting time writing a book. You could do something much more productive."

It's good to see other Romanians on here. I think we have a particular perspective on life that's worth sharing. Keep writing. I'm following you now :)


Thank you @anarcho-andrei! I can't blame my parents for their world view and don't feel any frustration either (although I did at some point) - because everything that happened shaped the way I am today. I found peace in realizing that. I don't intend to put a judgemental eye on what has happened and why, but rather amuse myself of the syncronicity of life.

Very true. If it had happened differently, I wouldn't be here, doing what I'm doing now. That's how I like to look at it. Glad to see you think the same way. :D