Why I Fell in 💗 with the TROPICS 🌴 and moved to Cambodia, SE-Asia

in #life • 7 years ago (edited)


As a small girl, I dreamed of becoming a world explorer. Just like Columbus but minus the killing and conquering! I dreamed of wild adventures involving massive ships, lush jungles, and wild animals. Growing up I always told everybody that I wasn't going to stay in Belgium!

I was born to see the world.

Going on a yearly holiday wasn't enough to settle the burning need to explore the world and live closer to nature.

Though Belgium is a beautiful place with all its medieval castles and ancient history. But to be honest, if you have seen one you have seen them all... * Dodging incoming objects from historicists and culture lovers... *

While that might be a little overexaggerated, the thing is you get used to seeing medieval things when you grow up in Europe. Not that I'm not interested or don't see the beauty in them... nature and people touch me more than cobblestone car-free streets and castles.


Also, Belgium is so small and characterized by gray buildings, gray streets, and gray weather. No colors, wildlife or an abundance of wild edibles growing everywhere. And most people have turned into egocentric individuals where only their job, life, house, car, kids, and thoughts matter... how far has it come when you show hatred toward other Belgians that happen to speak another language? Yes, tiny Belgium has 3 languages, French, Dutch, and German.

I didn't even know my own neighbors for god's sake. And that was not because I didn't try... believe me!

No, I wasn't (and still am not) ready for that type of lifestyle. Where did all the LOVE and FUN go?

I love the outdoors, I love animals, I love interacting with people, I love sharing and helping other people... and I just love making the world a better place. Even if that only means showing warm feelings toward my neighbors and feeding stray cats...

After a long struggle, many 1-month adventures to the corners of the world, and finding financial freedom, we finally packed our lives in 2 suitcases and set sail to SE-Asia in 2014.


The story about how we became location independent and are able to work from anywhere in the world isn't what I wanna talk about today! Let's leave that for another post, shall we?

Why did we pick Cambodia? Well, visas are incredibly easy to get, you just have to pay $280 a year and the issue is settled, no question asked! Furthermore, It lies smack in the middle of Asia, the perfect place to settle for some time while exploring Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.

Also, the Cambodian people are the warmest and most friendly people I have ever met... and maybe one of the biggest advantages... you can still LIVE A FREE, SIMPLIFIED LIFE HERE.


Does it need any further explanation? I think you get the gist why we fell in love with SE-Asia, Cambodia in particular.

While it all may sound like a dream, which it is, not all that glitters is gold. Living here has some disadvantages too... but again let's keep that for another post.

Because "a picture is worth a thousand words" I'll continue my saga visually.

Afer seeing them I'm sure you'll understand why I could no longer stay in Belgium.

I fell in 💗 with:

The Cambodian people and my neighbor and his cow (which are both usually found roaming around our garden)




The wild edibles that grow everywhere







The animals









Sunsets and sunrises (and the full moons)





Different culture





While I have a million more pictures, I think this explains it all!!

If the pictures didn't tell you enough feel free to ask me any question that springs to mind!

Thanks for reading! Until next time!


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Nice one! Love all the photos

Greaaaat photos :) Thanks

Thanks ;)

@amy-goodrich, beautiful photos and words that are new, true, vivid and moving.. like this post very much!

Aww thank you so much for your kind words!!!

You really are living the dream!! clap clap

Everybody can do it! It is all about finding your happiness which is very different for everybody!

Everybody CAN, but only a few are welling to leave all and actually do it, I really recognize you for that!
Mean while the rest of us read about it and dream with you! :) Congrats!

I slightly disagree with your statement there @maximiliano711... if you really dream about it and want it you will do it. People who say they want to but don't usually do not want to leave and rather stay in their comfort zone! I can't stress enough that if this is your dream too, just do it! Or you will regret it when you die. If it doesn't work out you can always go back where you came from... there is nothing to lose by trying!

Very interesting photos and an authentic blog - keep up the good work and I shall drop by and see your next one :)

Thank you @arbutus for stopping by and taking the time to comment!

Stay safe. Do it while you're young. Good for you. Thanks for sharing. Wonderful photo log..

Thank you so much! No matter how old you are you should always do the things that make you happy!

 7 years ago (edited) 

Interesting post with a lot of beautiful photos! I especially like sunset, sunrise and full moon! I enjoyed reading your story and look forward to your next stories with much interest!

Thanks my friend ;-)

You're welcome! ;)

Thank you for sharing about your Life journey, I totally get it. I have spent years in Asia escaping dreary and wet winters of the Pacific NW.
The photos are lovely. All the best!

Thank you so much! It sure is a great part of the world I'm not done exploring! Nepal is very high on the to-visit list!

My favorite is Thailand and India and I have fond memories of Malaysia and Indonesia especially Bali. Cambodia and Vietnam are high on my list of places to explore.

Def let me know when you are close and I'll happily show you around and invite you for a smoothie and a meal ;-)

Thank You! I will keep that in mind!!!!

wow that butterfly one, nice catch

Thanks @doitvoluntarily! A lucky shot. Normally I'm not that good at sneaking up butterflies or birds!

Beautiful shots all, I had to take a second look to pick a favorite, however I failed. All are fantastic.

Can't wait to read part 2 - "The story about how we became location independent and are able to work from anywhere in the world isn't what I wanna talk about today! Let's leave that for another post, shall we?"

And part 3 - "While it all may sound like a dream, which it is, not all that glitters is gold. Living here has some disadvantages too... but again let's keep that for another post."

Thank you @gringalicious for taking the time to comment! It is nice to write/post a non-food post ionce n a while! More to come! ;)

SE Asia is indeed magical place! I haven't seen too many countries there yet but I definitely want to go and explore places and try new food.

If you are ever close let me know! I love this part of the world! There is something about the Buddhist way of life that brings me peace and happiness!

Enjoy life. I take it you had a way to use the Internet to maintain income? Maybe you could do a post on that.

I once had an Internet-based income stream, and I gave some thought to moving to some place interesting, or at least traveling. I made it (in my mind) to some tropical places. I never did it, but I was heading that way at one point.

There are some interesting areas over in the Americas, especially in and around the Caribbean and South America. But where you are, you're in close proximity to Malaysia and Micronesia. Those places interest me, too.

Have fun!

Thanks for your comment! Ohh Micronesia.... once we have saved up that is where I wanna go too! Maybe not to live, but it is high on the to visit list! I love the Caribbean too. Have some great memories, although they are a bit clouded by the rum hehe. But yes, that's probably the location where we will settle in a few years to explore that side of the world ;-) Both my hubby and I indeed work from home! But like mentioned I will talk more about gaining financial freedom in a later post!

Sounds like you got it going on! Good to hear you are doing the things others might dream about for retirement. I have a friend who always wanted to go (back) to the Philippines to live... and he's sort of the barefoot, crazy, back woods expatriot. He loves it there. That's not where I'd pick (been there, done that), but it has its positive sides. He and I both visited some unusual places in the military, so I have an idea of what it's like.

Keep up the writing. And stay away from the rummmm. ... Mmmmm. Sugar cane looks so.... innocent. LOL.

Hehe.. easy to stay away from the rum when you are not in the Caribean ;-) If it is his dream to go back her really should! Always chase your happiness and dreams is one of my life quotes. Thanks for your ongoing support @uruiamme!

That's a cute little toad! And I can see why you like living among all that tropical fruit -- and those beautiful sunsets! I'll admit, I've looked that the climate statistics for Belgium and thought, "That looks like a great place! It's always cool, even in the summer." It's nice to hear your perspective!

When I was sharing the pic I thought the same so I entered him/her in the photo challenge. Let's see how he/she does hehe! Belgium is nice, don't get me wrong... but it rains a lot and to me, everything is so gray... I love colors and nature, not much of that to be found there... but if you love history and old building it is the spot to be... I can recommend Ghent.. the best city (although it more like a huge village) in Belgium!

Your photos made me happy!

I used to like in Cambodia, but I left last year because I couldn't figure out how to make money there, and my bitcoins were running out, LOL.

Where in Cambodia were those photos taken? You must be around Sihanoukville, right?

It is not easy to make money here, that's right. We are lucky to have an online business which is located in Hong Kong! Pics are taken in Kampot, Kep and Siem Reap. If you ever decide to come back let us know! Would be nice to meet up! Where did you live when you were here?

Nice post. I have been living in Thailand since 2000 and visiting Cambodia since 2001. Great place and friendly people. If it wasn't for work and the Thai missus I would have moved there 10+ years ago. ;-)

Hehe.. Thailand is great too... but hard to get a visa and visa runs is not our kind of thing! I think we are among the lucky ones to be able to live here!

Thai Visas are getting more difficult for sure. There really nothing for under 50's that are not married to a Thai to be able to stay long term. Perhaps only the Elite Card which is a minimum of 500,000thb for five years, and you still have to do the 90 day reports or visa runs. :-(

You never know... if bitcoin keeps going like that we might be able to get one of those cards... although I rather keep the 500,000thb ... that buys a few houses here ;-)

Yeh, I'd be gutted to give 500,000thb just for the right to remain here! Like you said $280 per year for an Ordinary visa renewal in Cambo is the way forward. Much easier!

Nice one, Amy. I visited Cambodia in 2009.

I had a great time on my travels through SEA.

I must say one of the highlights was the city of Ankgor.

But something which I also find inescapable about Cambodia, is this apparent inability for the locals to escape the poverty some of them still live in.

You did say you would follow up with the other, perhaps less glamorous, romantic side of the story. I'll look forward to hearing/reading your thoughts because .... there are a growing number of people who are cottoning on to exactly why 3rd world countries are not transitioning in terms of economic growth and stability as much as one might hope.

Thanks for taking the time to comment @jimmo! It sure is a beautiful and great country with the most loving and creative people I have met! Unfortunately, sometimes it pushes you to go in survival mode (like having no tap water for 2 months) and makes you see things you rather didn't wanna see... but hey the positive far outweigh the negatives. More about that in a future post. But first I'm tackling the posts about location independence!
