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RE: 👁💥👁 What Is Your Biggest Fear? ♨️📉⚡️🔥

in #life7 years ago

These are survival instincts we are programmed to have. Nobody likes being in right confinement’s unless it’s comfortable or we know we can get out. Also, heights, everybody is afraid of heights. My dog used to be terrified of even 1 flight of stairs, and now the main height that terrifies him, is the gigantic cliff you see in the picture of this post (: He walked out far enough to see how big the drop was and was like “awwwww heeeeeeyyyyyylll NAH!”

You’ve just got to gradually experience it more and more, if you want to get over your fears.

I used to be afraid of guns, until I got to shoot them. I used to be afraid of heights, and I gradually started doin things to get over it like walking across SUPER tall bridges, visiting super tall buildings, huge cliffs like this, you just have to take tiny bites here and there and then at the end you realize that big cookie you were afraid of is all gone and you can just enjoy your life (: I DEFINITELY would have died if I fell off right here. But I found a way to enjoy the view instead!


Yeah, I've noticed some people can walk up to the edge of a cliff, look over, and seem fine. I almost get like vertigo. It's pretty intense. I don't let it ruin my life, but I just stay back a couple of feet from where others might go. lol

Yeah I didn’t look over the edge, I sat down, stuck my legs out, took this picture, and then scurried back to safety LOL! 😄😂 But even standing where you say you stand, helps a little bit!

"Scurried back to safety." I like safety. ;-)