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RE: Flu Shots, Grape Soda, and Self-Respect

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Nail on the head on that last point. We can say that maybe the younger folks who died from smoking just had weak genetics but even that doesn't explain anything. Bill Hicks was a heavy smoker and died at 32 from pancreatic cancer. Funny, because in one show he asked a guy in the audience how long he's been smoking and he said 50 yrs, obviously this was a guy much older than Hicks. So there's got to be more to the story than "just smoking". The plot thickens from here.

As for the marketing products, I think Propel water can prove us wrong on this one. Their grape-flavored beverage is clear like water and the packaging is mediocre. haha


Is it now? I'll have to read the label... may be a good alternative to Gatorade.