What an excellent read!
I spent 6 hours, today, working with a group of Sixth Formers teaching them about Object Oriented Programming using Python.
Some of the key points that came up:
- It doesn't matter what Programming Paradigm you're using it all, gets converted to 0's and 1's anyhow.
- The CPU doesn't care if you've used 4 spaces or a tab, or if you've used CamelCase or snake_case.
- The bugs aren't randomly occuring faults with the machine, you the programmer are responsible for every single one of them!
Looking forward to more posts from you.
Thanks, very much. I totally agree, whats most important for me is readability and consistency. So I pick a convention and stick to it. Also I make variables and function names explicit to describe what they do. I try to be as expressive as possible and abstract functionality as early as I can.