You know those moments when someone annoyed you
Or did something happen to you and you throw a juicy curse into the air?
"son of a ****" !!
At the University of HI.S., five hundred students were taken to examine the next thing.
Ask them to curse as much as they want in three weeks and to check whether the curses really calm them down?
The results are surprising!
The first thing they discovered was that girls were cursing less than boys! Perhaps because of ethical codes of modesty rooted in humanity today, perhaps because the woman's soul more sensitive? But on the other hand, if the mind is more sensitive, I would expect the opposite to happen, for the woman to curse more because she is hurt more quickly.
The researchers noticed that women curse less, but the curses they curses reassure them more, and here are the reasons
The results show that men curse nearly 1.3 times more than women.
Another result is that if you use one curse too many times it will lose the relaxation effect.
If you use a variety of curses you will probably be able to relax more easily ..
Sounds too good? lets curse! Well, things are not exactly the same. The results of the study clearly indicate that when cursing a lot, a situation is created that slowly the curses (no matter which arsenal of curses you have) become less and less soothing.
One of the research authors, Dr. Oren Weirn, says:
"Unambiguously we checked whether a curse can calm a person who entered distress and the answer is yes and no, yes short term not long term"
Dr. Oren Weirn adds:
"At first, our primitive brain recognizes a curse as a repeated assault on the person who hurt us or what hit us, but our brain slowly realizes that the problem is not solved by curses and therefore the curses stop alleviating the agony of a person who has entered a nerve attack or pressure"
When should I use curses if at all?
"It's best not to use curses because they do not solve the problem, but if it's hard for you to get out of stress without curses, it can sometimes be a temporary relief like Advil to a headache.
thanks for reading !
of course it is soothing hehe
hehe the research says something little different
Liked it !!!
The different ones always attract attention and win. And you are good at this @amiramnoam
Oh yea, sometimes it's relaxing to curse - but only if it's not followed by guilt!
guilty never makes me relax :)
good point.
F*** you, sorry. Great post bro haha feels good.
Lol good post! I used to think cursing was not ladylike and stopped using any curses for years....until I had three kids now I curse to let off steam, but not in front of the kids! I save the really bad curses for when I’m driving around on my own! Hahaha
Hehe I hope you don't curse your kids 😜
Haha now that I don’t!....maybe when they are teenagers it might be a different story!
#$@# !! What a discovery. I wish I had read about this research when I was younger. Could have told my parents I was scientifically relieving my stress!! LOL. Unfortunately, without this research to back me up, I have ended up getting a nice thumping from my parents for using bad words many times!
Thanks - amazing research these days. Enjoyed reading about it. Upvoted full through steemfollower.@amiramnoam - **Son of a *

I know that if you bang your toe on the bed then cursing definitely helps to ease the pain. Temporarily at least.
I have recreated this experiment dozens of times.
It also depends on the time intervals between the curses
Women cursing less is also a cultural thing. You should hear mine when we are alone. I'm almost bullied!
Amazing write up and research based information in which you highlighted the Human Behavior in a very logical way, Appreciated!
I want to add something in this worth reading research conclusions; Environment and the situation does matter a lot while cursing something or someone. It is also amazed me with the Ratio among Women and Men still i would like to say, Environment can change this ratio.
In Holy Book Quran Allah says;
Great Work and I want you to continue this effort because your such words can change one's approach towards life, Yes i got much impressed.
Keep the good work high, My support is always with you @amiramnoam
Stay Blessed!
Cursing is a way to ease the tension that a person is feeling at any given time, but it can also be a negative signal to the person it's been direct to, so, in other words we most use our discretion when it's directed to another person as it might cause on argument but i do understand the benefits of the smoothing idea , thanks for sharing this lovely content
yes it releases stress, because I don't curse too much, very often i say bad words.
For me cursing just makes me feel a whole lot worse, it makes me feel all boiled up and usually gives me a headache. When I feel stressed out I usually take it all out on a punching bag or pillow. That however, only gives a temporary relief, working on the problem and solving it is the only I completely relieve myself of the stress.
This is just for me, everybody deals with problems differently.
curse will reflect back if it is not true. Everything should be examined in the light of truth.
Wow nice life post
Well it seems an amazing research and thanks for letting us know about this provoking factor of human personality. With due respect i want to add one more point in the Results of Research.
Environment and Nurturing do matter a lot in one's behavior especially when it comes to harsh wording or Curse or even Anger.
It is astonishing to know that Women curse lesser than men ( It is a quite new thing for me )
Well In Islam It is said
By the way as usual a very fruitful blog, Great Job
Stay Blessed, @amiramnoam
It's definitely soothing,for me it just calms me then i get thinking and laughing cause the actual words never get to me badly.
@amiramnoam It definitely is soothing! Hehe! Especially when I'm too stressed!
Lovely post!
I try not to cursing when its about people, I TRY it. But objects or situations, because its relaxing. I like to cursing when its about my car! Or the traffic situation.
Hlw my dear friend @amiramnoam thank you very much for sharing with us. have a nice day.
Yes it is soothing on your part but it may have bad effect to some person...
I enjoy reading this's my hobby to read article especially relating to behaviour.. .It suprise me...keep up the good work.. please keep posting this kind of article..God bless
Now I'm asking myself why I stopped doing it lol
Sometimes i read your post @amiramnoam, I feel like you write from another realm, Thanks.
enjoy your life...
I just love it sir.....
Thank you sir for sharing your idea
Hahaha...such a wonderful ideas by @ amiramnoam
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Nice post bro
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You have said it like this one is not just post,is a post that is been put in consideration.. To know when and how your place a curse on someone..nice post and nice write ups @amiramnoam.
I may only curse the bad things like sicknesses or financial debts. My conscience don't allow me to curse real people!
When I swear and curse, I do not feel relieved. I also feel bad myself. The results are truly amazing.
Swearing as a response to pain might be beneficial, [but] there is evidence that if you swear too often in everyday situations the power of swearing won’t be there when you really might need it.
It’s a really awesome way to use negative emotions in a positive way.
Now i know why men curse people more easily than female.i really learnt a lot in this research.thanks for sharing, i will stay tune to learn more from you.
I can't get stress out of my body if I'm not cursing lol
I don't know why but it helps and it is soothing... Fuck yea!
great post ! I like your post!
I once mistakenly dropped my fiancee's mobile phone and she flared up and called me a "useless goat". I felt terrible as I didn't believe such words could come from the love of my life, someone I was just months away from marrying.
I fixed her phone and when she came to appologize, I asked her how she felt when she used those words. She did confess that it made her feel momentarily better.
Of course it is :) I feel a lot calmer after a good swear :D.
Mengutuk itu bisa jadi karena merupakan sifat pribadi seseorang tapi mengupat itu bisa di ganti dengan teguran dan nasihat biar enak di dengar dan bisa memberi hal positif bagi orang lain.
Artikel anda luar biasa teman membuat perbandingan antara pria dan wanita.
Soothing curses.... that's kinda believable if it's short term
Like alcohol does as well
I guess it helps me lessen my anger sometimes. I'm not sure but somehow that's what I feel.
I heard about an experiment where people had to put one hand into very cold water. Half of them were allowed to curse and the other half were not allowed. The ones who cursed managed to keep their hand more time in the water than the other half. I think cursing kinda helps with the pain...
Like the post.
hey boo, well as soothing as cursing may be, my beliefs are strongly rooted in the bible that you don't use the same mouth to curse and bless cause you gone be judged by your words regardless and yes am still working on perfecting my tongue to get it all out. so y'all better tone it down cause am sure you wont like your kids cursing. is it soothing? for some folks maybe, but there are better ways to get the soothing one requires.
I fucking love swearing you cunts.
absolutely #?#!#!? true!
First of all, it's clear that men curse more than girls,
They are the ones that make us reach these levels of frustration.
If men would live in a world without women,
There were no curses and no fights in the world.
Researchers should take a group that contains only men,
Isolate them for some time and see the results.
Cursing and making loud noises out of yourself helps in many ways.
1.) It relieves the body of physical stress but you must say it loudly.
2.) It also helps create defensive mechanism in the brain.