Venus or Mars?

in #life8 years ago

Hi everyone...I wrote this after being scoffed at for having hobbies that are traditionally thought of for men...I always played ball in the backyard when I was young with the neighborhood boys. My galpals were angry I didn't want to watch TV with them. I didn't care what they did...just let me be me. Now as an adult it hasn't changed...I do like a lot of girl stuff...but I like boy stuff as well...that expression "boys and their toys" always makes me think "hey, I like those toys!"...anyway...I wrote this poem on a particularly frustrating day when I was judged and scoffed at and completely dismissed...just for being me. I was telling some galpals that I study economics and geopolitics and wow...the reaction was wild! No worries...I just do what I do...just makes me look at those that scoff a bit differently. Oh well, c'est la vie!!!! :) Just be who you want to be!!!
(image's from a few years ago in Bermuda! beautiful!)

Venus and Mars
Which am I, what are you?
Why are there rules?
Can’t I be a bit of both?
Some say no
I must be Venus
No other possibility
But, part of me likes to be Mars
Most of me is Venus
Part of me likes to just be me
Why are there rules?
Why do they judge me?
I don’t care if they chose Venus or Mars
Doesn’t matter to me
Let them be
Let me be
I’m a little of both


Good luck to YOU! I heard yesterday that my European niece had been spotted by a football scout - for a boy's team! So times are changing lol

WOW! That is soooo cool!!!! Thanks for sharing!