in #life11 months ago

Good day people of hive, it's your humble blogger @ambmicheal today again.

So it happened that I and my friends went out yesterday to a naming ceremony in remote area of ikorodu Lagos state.

We left home around mid day to attend the event and on our way going, it was a smooth ride until we got close to the venue, I kept contemplating if to continue driving all the way or just park at the filling station I saw while we bike down to the place.


After plenty deliberations, we figured it was best to drive all the way since we don't know when we'd be done and also we don't know if the filling station is safe to leave the car for a while.

We drove all the way down to the event, plenty portholes and muds but we managed to maneuver well until we got there. We spent about 4 hours at the event, had couple of drinks and ate, bottom line is that we had fun abd it was time to leave.

It was already getting dark and the area seemed deserted and then we realized we made the best decision earlier by driving down because if we didn't, we might have been stranded looking for bike.

We drove back and on our way, I mistakenly entered a big porthole that the car felt it, it didn't go out for a while and I kept accelerating before it finally came out of the muddy-porthole.

I was scared for the car at some point especially because the place was deserted and we pose to face risk of theft, but thankfully, we left the place and got home safe later in the night.

This morning now, I went out to check the car and below is what I see


The above was even after I had cleaned the car a bit, I need to take the car to the carwash for proper washing and I think a mechanic needs to help check the sump.

By and large, I thank God for safe journey and his faithfulness.

Thanks for reading through.