Without the SECOND, we can not have the minute, outside the minute, there's no hour, without hours there are no days, except days exist, there can't be weeks. Weeks lead to months which lead to years.
Therefore we can deduce that years are multiples of SECONDS, Things change per SECOND not per years, God needs just a SECOND to change things.
People may be sick for years, but it takes a SECOND to be lifeless, what is it you are doing today and you feel it amounts to nothing, forget how many years you have put in, your stories will change in a SECOND.
There's a sense that we must realize that the second is very instrumental to time universally. The seconds is the international unit of time across the world. Whether it's in Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, Australia and so on, it's falls back on the second as its unit.
You see the mystery in this? Life is taken and should be taken in bits, do not hope to have a car at a go or succeed in days. This will not last as it should have for you.
Time is needed for every kind of human achievement, it's needed for maturity too, this is why we must never be too happy with premature success, it fades away just as soon as it came.
Every achievement needs the glorious romance of time. Time settles everything and fixes it. Allow time make you your best.
In today's world time is everything we have to focus on time and try to make prove themselves prove as a successful man. Please value ur golden time it will never back.
Exact truths. Time's money