in #life2 years ago (edited)

When I was little I always wonder how does it feels like being an adult.
Working and earning for yourself and future. Is it draining? Is it exciting?
Or both?

Way back on grade school, I am always part of officers of the class, Vice President, Secretary or a Peace Officer. I always thought maybe when I grow up life will always be like our classroom, easy to control. With a use of pen, and the name of our Teacher, those noisy will shut up. Those who's stressing me will stop.

Not until I reach highschool, at the age of 14, life is testing me. The young me, now starting to wish to turn back time. I said, maybe life is not for me.

I remember begging that man not to leave, but like what I have seen on movies, he mercilessly leave me and my Mom, miserably. The person whom I call father, is the first man who break me.

Struggling everyday but I still continue to live. I can sense that I'm slowly losing interest to the things that excites me before, again I was just 14, but too exhausted of everything.

I told myself, I don't see this coming. I always think of life like a wonderful playground with rainbows and cotton candies, but it vanished when he left me.

Somehow at your dull moments and dark days, something will show you a light. At 15, I started writing on Wattpad, sharing my struggles and experiences through writing. With that, I found my therapy. With writing I can vent all my hatred and whys. I can cry and burst out using a pen, well, there's still similarities from grade school to highschool, I still use pen to control, to survive, to live.

Most of my days and hours are spent online. It gives me peace, and I needed that silence. The lively 8 years old me that's always active on class, and has friends, is too far from what I am now, I'm not into relationships and friendships, at 16. I'm still the same silent, introvert girl on the class. I mastered being happy, alone. It suffocates me to be around people as well, I love silence.

And now at 19, I somehow figured out what life is. Adulting is not funny at all.
Though If I have one thing I am proud of, I managed it all alone. All the traumas and sleepless nights will all be paid off, maybe not now but soon. I know I am still far from what I supposed to be, but the good thing here is I am on the process, I am moving. I am surviving.

Life at 19 is still molding me, and making me ready to face life at 20. And the following years ahead of me.

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Welcome to Hive! Can't wait to see more of your stories ate!

Hi @amarysss welcome to Hive and glad to have you here! You had mentioned that you wrote some stuff in Wattpad, what are the genre's that you are into? I remember @shannybelleza1 being a writer in Wattpad too and currently she is quite busy with her book and school.

Hive has a lot of communities that you can join and I think the best community for you will be the following:

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Looking forward to your growth here and engage with the fellow writers that you have in this blockchain since this is still a social media platform.

welcome to Hive, bes <3

as someone who already had a glimpse of what adulting is like, it fears me to actually reach that point in life. i wish u luck on your journeys <333

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Hey! Welcome 🙏🏽 I just wanna say, life gets better over years. It is when you realise that those hours of writing and inner work are giving you the experience to overcome difficulties, when you take control of your life.
It serves to me: Find what one loves, explore without conditioning and be grateful for what’s on one’s plate. Life is to experience.
Lovely to see that you are going to share some of your experiences with us, enjoy the ride 💜🙏🏽