choosing your husband is also choosing your future

in #life7 years ago (edited)


for me its a yes! why? because u will giving your whole life with him, living with him in one house, sleeping with him every night, eating with him everyday. so we really have to choose the right person to marry..

some of the man are abusive and have a bad personality. its because he wants to have power to control over his partner and he believed that men have the right to control over women. and some of them forced their wife to have sex , or worst some of man can kill their own wife's..


why do women stay with abusive partner?

1.) because some of them cannot afford to support herself.
2.)she dont have a confident to make her own decission.
3.)because even her husband hurt her always she still love him after all. (poor girl) :(


girls are very sensitive, emotional and easy to get hurt. so if we choose the right person to marry, chose the right one. choose the person who can never threatened to hurt you, and most important thing is to ask God for the right man for you. because there's a lot of the right person for you out there.. :)

photos from internet.