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RE: The Bill of Rights (including The 2nd Amendment) was written to 'Protect The People' from their own government, not from each other. Which explains WHY 'career politicians' WANT your gun.

in #life6 years ago

What the hell is this? This article doesn't even try to be unbiased. No mention at all of the needless death from rampant gun use. I'm pretty disappointed. :(


20 million die of poverty a year and guns are the only way to stop it...

Lol wut? BTW, you can't DIE from poverty. Hunger seems more likely. Or sickness... Poverty is just a state of finance.

there is no difference between indirect violence and direct violence.

Let's setup a scenario with two people. One person and had food and a gun, and another person was is starving. If the person with the gun does not allow the other to gain access to food, and uses the gun as a means to do this, what will the eventual cause of death be? You could point your finger at the lack of food, you could also blame the man with a gun, or more specifically in my instance blame the reasoning of the man with the monopoly on violence used when they did not allow the other to access food.

You can complain about starvation all you want, but its the man with the gun that's the problem any way you slice it. The food is there, its the actions that cause the starvation.

so to some it up, poverty is the reason we sit by and watch each other die (or worse). Its the excuse we give ourselves as a group, so when i say death of poverty i mean deaths due to that excuse. In reality we are killing each other, poverty is just a word that conveys how exactly we are doing so.

What I meant was that money isn't really needed for survival. Food is, shelter is, companionship is. Money's a construct, that most of the time gets in the way of cooperation.


that was the entire point of my comment lmao

You were making it sound like violence would change things. I agree it would change things... but it wouldn't magically turn for the best.

The world is not (yet) overpopulated, but intentionally ill-managed. The cities are overpopulated, which is all about captivating and consolidating slave labor [slavery being in total opposition to human thriving].

The overpop myth serves the owners, as does starvation, war, and poverty.. elevating the status of world banks (counterfiaters) to gods with power over life and death.

the problem is capitalism. Capitalism needs poverty to function, so its not even ill-managed its working as well as possible lmao

Poverty is their tribute to the god of money.

We haven't practiced capitalism in this Country since lbj, the dullest brothers, the clowns, and the mob murdered JFK. Been pure cronyism since. US gov was totally corrupt before Trump won the 'driver's seat' back from the cabal.

There are actually differences between direct and indirect forms of violence. A society would be much more unstable if direct forms of violence was encouraged. Think of the term out of sight out of mind. If a part of the society was encouraged to be violent it would lead to destabilizing effects in the future.

Although violence might be an answer. It should never be encouraged. Same with suicide. Its a personal choice which reflect more on the failure of society than on the actual individual. Often times we only look at the individual when someone does wrong, we never question the people they grew up with, or interacted with on a daily bases. And we almost never question ourselves.

the difference is peoples perception of the violence, which leads to the sustainability differences

every action is based on violence on some form, and I was talking about what exists today not any of the possible answers

Without exception the big cities with the toughest gun laws have the highest crime. Why? Because outlaws prefer their victims unarmed. No use in pretending that because you pass a gun law.. guns will suddenly disappear. They wouldn't.. government/outlaws (and Patriots btw) would still be armed.

I'm not even arguing about the stats or the specs, I'm talking about the plain fact that its so easy to get a gun. So many times you hear how even the mentally unstable got a gun by simply walking into a store and buying it. That for me is plain wrong. If you want to shoot someone it shouldn't be through a state supported route.

At least making it a little bit more difficult for illegitimate gun ownership would change the whole dynamic on gun laws. The reason for owning a gun as a citizen should NEVER be "cause I want to shoot/kill people."

I'm not even arguing about the stats or the specs,

Here you are saying, 'Let's not bring any 'facts' into this discussion, stick with blind speculation.'

Guns don't kill people, murderers do. If there were no guns on the planet, do you imagine halos would suddenly appear over the heads of the 'violent takers' in this world. Your grandmother's only chance against even an unarmed maniac [which we have no shortage of] would be a gun.

Moreover, bipedal predators won't give up their weapons because of a law, yet [unfortunately] the sheep will. Guns are all that keep the sheep equalized with the wolves. How will they protect themselves from a stronger assailant without a weapon? Do you think such assaults will end because of a gun law?

Your position is 'cartoon idealism' compared to the real world.

Killing with your hands is much more visceral, there's no way someone of sound mind and raised in a peaceful environment would be able to do it without at least hesitating. Guns on the other hand, even an amateur can kill tens of people.

So tell your grandmother she can't protect herself [has to be at the mercy of intruders, rapist, robbers, and psychopaths] because some gun-owners might get trigger happy. An end to your naive confusion can be found in this sentence.. 'If you OUTLAW guns, only OUTLAWS will have guns.' - This one impeccable equation Trumps all gungrabbing arguments.

You aren't listening to me are you?

You aren't learning anything are you.

And let me reiterate, my point was making it more difficult for crazy people to get a hold of guns.