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RE: Offline

in #life7 years ago

He's such a beautiful boy and you have a lovely connection there.

Hopefully, there won't be a next time. However if there is, put some manuka honey on the wound and bandage it as best you can.

Brooklyn's saliva would have been cleansing but the manuka honey has exceptional antibacterial and wound healing properties. Needs to be PURE and the highest strength. 🦋


I've heard of manuka honey on a few occasions. Thanks! Will keep an eye out if there's any around :)

I know how it feels for your pet to be sick, mine was sick sometime like that, couldn't walk, couldn't i felt guilty for not being able to take care of him ....met his doctor and he wa given injection, few days he was up amd bouncing again, so i know de joy i felt and how u feel right now too, glad Brooklyn is fine now...