A look at the road to equality

in #life8 years ago (edited)

All humans are born free and equal.

Almost Every human is endowed with the ability to reason, think judge, formulate plans and calculate . Unfortunately, this is where all equality stops in many aspects. In terms of physical, social and financial status, humans have all forms of variations.

This differences enables one or another to take advantages of the situations one might find themselves in, and as a result, it is the duty of the state to protect the freedom of those who lack, to protect and not deprive, to care and not infrindge.

Struggle for human rights

The struggle for human rights have been a long and hard one, and evidence shows that this moment at which we live, the 2000s, 2010's, are the most peaceful time we have had as a planet. Human rights are protected by the states, and various other organisations worldwide.

But for much of human history, actual laws preventing a certain race, gender or stereotype from excercising certain rights existed.

Women rights and civil rights


For ages, women have had to deal with playing a repressed role, a role of second fodder, a role of non-activity in the world all over. Though isolated cases sprang up of women holding offices or comanding rights, the truth still remained that most were handicapped by the male dominated sytem of government.

Same thing too happened to people, both of colour and others the world over. Indians, africans, wherever a form of colonial or slave system existed, a part of the indeginous or slave rights were scraps away, stripped away.

The struggle for rights persisted though, as a man, one can only be caged for so long before a challenge arises that tests your strenght, will and ability to fight.

The equality that came

And fight many did.
A good example from nigeria my country, is the aba women riot of 1929 that happened as a result the strict and unfair governmet policies that were being given by the brithish colonial masters.
not aba women riot.jpg
not exactly like this, but this is a close representation, image source
Over the years though, various agencies, organisations have been born to protect and srve the rights of various individuals.

From amnesty international, to the unesco projects, we have seen a better view of what having rights, of what being equal with everyone else, means.

This age that we are, like said before, is the only age that that humans have been able to live the most peacefully.

It is by no means perfect yet, and many things still need to be done to ensure a great future.

The equality to come

human rights.jpeg
In the future, I envision a system in which decentralized governments, if they are still called governments, intiate a part to equality and equityto all. Fairness in all situations, not necessarily giving everyone the same treatment.

A place where a decentralized system would be a beakon of hope to all who wish to have it.

A place where a man does not need to be afraid of another due to his skin colour, a woman being able to step out freely at night.

This is the future i envision, and it can only be achieved through a continous process work and push.

The road to equality is a long one, but an achievable one.

All non reference images are from pixabay