take a seat
Beautiful girls are beautiful, but they're common. Take an ice cube in a club, throw it somewhere and it will probably hit a beautiful girl.
What's more important is personality and a positive outlook on life.
Money is important, but money is everywhere.
It goes up and it goes down, anytime.
Successful entrepreneurs seem to have it all, but... they ALL seem to have it all.
How do you really stand out even when you're supposedly already successful?
Everybody seems to be an actor or writer in Hollywood, right?
When is the breakthrough? Who is the breakthrough?
Influencers on Instagram have millions of followers, but there're so many influencers.
Who influences best?
There're so many great movies.
Which is the best?
Great art is great, but there're so many legacies.
Which is the masterpiece?
There is always a caveat to greatness, beauty, fame and success..
The last line in the contract.
The fine print.
Stand out.
By being you.
Take a seat.

The best way to be happy is by being yourself. No matter how much we try to achieve, we will always have a limited amount of time on Earth, bringing happiness to those around you is the only legacy that matters
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all society is build around that. If everything is beautiful then nothing is beautiful, yet both are true. The most beautiful things are always the ones we like
i enjoy your post ^^! Thanks.
i appreciate your post ^@^! Thanks.
this is beautiful. So often we focus on wrong things and forget the truth. beauty is everywhere, success is a mindset. followed
Yeah it is pretty true. Some people get hung up on a beautiful woman but often times they can sense the infatuation..... they have like 30 wolf packey guys after them daily so it can often be hard to stand out and be the guy that they want. But if they try to play games..... NEXT