It's funny how people only remember the scary things broadcast by media yet ignore the "evidence" from the same sources that show those claims wrong. Here is a good video explaining the phenomena. For example, when WHO said that asymptomatic people (aka healthy) do not transfer the virus, based on studies and tracking no one was interested in that. It's easier to stay in fear and blame healthy people about going around and terrorizing everyone. A mask box has a clear instruction saying it can't in any way prevent the virus from spreading, yet no one cares. When Fauci himself said people shouldn't be wearing masks because it can have negative effects on health, that is ignored too. Same with countless other studies that show how much wearing them increases the intake of carbon dioxide (re-breathing your own toxic stuff), reduces oxygen levels to a dangerous point, increases cortisol and weakens immune system. I thought it's a common sense to cover your mouth when coughing and distance from others. But who cares, let's get everyone sick in 6 months or a year by limiting their oxygen. They'll call that a covid as well.
Truth, some people are just drawn to issues.
This is what I thought.
It is funny how the world is suddenly divided into mask wearers and anti-masks lol.
It sucks I know, they divide us on every issue so we are easier to control. Personally I don't mind if someone wants to wear it all the time, just don't approve violation of a basic human right to breath freely, over a science that doesn't exist.
At least I can breathe freely in my own backyard.
That's true lol. That's why I've been spending most of my time lately in the backyard. Best time to isolate from all the craziness.
Also, kudos for not checking the news anymore, nothing good comes out of it.
I know I am not really missing anything lol.