18 little habits that could completely change your life

in #life8 years ago

Every day I discover more and more beautiful things. It’s enough to drive one mad. I have such a desire to do everything, my head is bursting with it. - Claude Monet

I enjoy learning new things and gaining skills and knowledge that has the power to drastically improve my life. Some of these things I wish I knew 10 years ago. You might be the wisest person out there, but you can still learn from everyone and every situation. Below is the list of 18 things I've tried or learned over the past years that I would love to share with you. Try it, have fun with it! 

1. Wake up early

By  waking up early, you give yourself time to finish your most important  tasks early, while everything is still silent and relaxed. You can  brainstorm new ideas and create stuff uninterrupted.

You  might think you are not a 'morning person', but trust me, this is just  false opinion you created by repeating it to yourself long enough. 

2. Drink water first thing in the morning

While  you sleep your body dehydrates. Drinking water first thing in the  morning will fire up your metabolism, hydrate you and flush out the  toxins.

3. Constantly wonder

The  sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are  always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life.

Wonder  is a way to entertain and explore new possibilities. Yearn to deeply understand things and create the best life for yourself.  

4. Exercise daily

Exercise  can be anything - power lifting training in the gym, body weight home  training, yoga, running or just 30 minute walk outside.

Benefits  of regular exercising are endless and well known. You should exercise  at least six days a week, preferably in the morning.

5. Don't complain

"What  you're supposed to do when you don't like a thing is change it. If you  can't change it, change the way you think about it. Don't complain.”
― Maya Angelou

If  you can do something about the situation, than do it. Otherwise don't  waste time complaining about it. We complain about the traffic,  neighbors dog, weather, slow wi-fi, facebook statuses, high prices,  Justin Beiber...

Start  being aware of what you are projecting, and every time you notice you are starting to complain, control yourself and decide to rise above it.

6. Read books

If  there is one thing every successful person have in common it's the fact  that they are always reading books. Not just fiction books, but books  on self-improvement, psychology, marketing or any niche they are in.  Listen to podcasts and audiobooks if that's more appealing to you, just  make sure you are always learning and expanding your knowledge.

7. Meditate for 5 to 10 minutes

Take  time every day to sit in silence and just focus on your deep breath. Notice the sounds around you, notice your thoughts. Observe things in peace and calmness. Meditation will keep you stress-free, well rested and happier.

8. Make a vision board

It's  one thing to write down your goals, but completely different to stare  at them every single day. If you don't know what your life is gonna look like you'll never get what you want. Imagination provides motivation  and drive. As Will Smith said:

"In my mind, I've always been an A-list Hollywood superstar. Y'all just didn't know yet."

9. Keep a journal

If  you find it hard to keep standard journal, use an iOS app like 5-minute  journal or equivalent physical product to quickly write about your day,  some awesome things that happened to you and the stuff you are grateful  for.

10. Pause before you answer or respond to people

I'm  not saying you shouldn't speak your mind, but instead of reacting and answering quickly, pause and really listen to what other person is  saying. 

‘Do you have the patience to wait
till your mud settles and the water is clear?
- Lao Tzu

11. Use Feynman's technique for learning

Richard  Feynman was an American theoretical physicist known for his work in  quantum mechanics. His learning technique helps you to understand and  explain something new in a short period of time. It works something like this: Choose the concept you want to learn or explain to someone. Start writing an article ( or explaining to someone ) about this subject but  in plain simple words as if you are teaching a 5-year old. If you can't put this without using complex words and phrases, return to your books  and review the part you are struggling with. Repeat this process until  you understand it completely. 

12. Change limiting beliefs with daily affirmations

We  all have limiting beliefs. You might think: "I'm so tired, I can't make  time for friends and family" or "I have to please everyone to have  harmony in my life" or similar belief that holds you back. To transform  these negative thoughts, write down some positive affirmations that you  actually want to believe and read them out loud with passion and  certainty every single day.

13. Rest before you get tired

No matter how much you love what you do, make sure you have a proper rest  to prevent fatigue and worry. Taking time to recover and re-energize is  important factor to your physical, mental and emotional well being.

Give  yourself one day a week to completely zone out. Don't think about your  work. Instead, catch up with your family or friends, organize some fun  outdoor activity or just enjoy doing your favorite hobby.

14. Seek out small victories

Momentum can be so empowering.  Set small goals every day, every week and month. And then celebrate and be grateful each time you accomplish one of them. This will cement the fact you are on the right track and motivate you to keep going.

15. Use life mastery circle

Tony  Robbins came up with this as a tool for creating a balanced, harmonious  life. Divide a circle into 7 or 8 areas of life - Health and body,  emotions, relationships, family, friends and fun, business, finances,  spirituality. Rate your current place in each area from zero to ten (ten being where you ultimately want to be). Track on monthly basis each area of your life  this way and make sure you are living life of balance. Example:

16. Outsource all ideas from your head to an app

Use Evernote to write down every idea, task, grocery list you come across. Inspiration often comes in odd places like in bed, on the train, while  jogging... it will vanish quickly if you don't capture it right away. And with quick search you'll be able to find everything in no time.

17. Avoid bragging

In this day and age people brag about everything - restaurants they eat in, new shoes, sexual life, their favorite sports team... Stop talking about your 'accomplishments' to other people and ask questions instead. The Earth is not a flat panel laying on your head.

Do  not tell everyone your story. You will only end up feeling more rejected. People cannot give you what you long for in your heart.  - Henri J.M. Nouwen

18. Enjoy the journey

Success,  money or fame does not automatically bring happiness with it. Strive for fulfillment, not for achievement, because no matter how much you achieve your goals are gonna change. So why not make sure you are enjoying the whole process?


All solid advice. Thanks for taking the time to put this together.

You are very welcome!

I'm not bad!

  1. done
  2. done
  3. done
  4. done
  5. working on in
  6. totally done
  7. something like that
  8. good idea!
  9. still resisting
  10. hum... I hope I do.
  11. I'll try it
  12. done
  13. done
  14. done
  15. something like that
  16. done
  17. done
  18. always trying!

Awesome, you are already utilizing a lot of useful habits!

I have never heard of Feynman's technique for learning. That is incredibly helpful. Thank you for sharing these habits.

No problem, glad you liked it!

Wonderful work, thank you very much for sharing! Totally agreed and upvoted :-) Sunny regards from Canary Islands

Thank you, you are welcome! Enjoy the beautiful Canary Islands!

Great post, very good advice! I love that Monet quote at the start too... Some people are so negative and inward focused they seem blind to all the wonderful things surrounding us, so I love to hear when the opposite is true for somebody!

Indeed, so many negative people, constantly complaining instead of enjoying life. Thanks for reading, you always have something nice to say!

My lovely mother always told me "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all!" So that's what I try to do. Uplift instead of bring down :-)

We all should follow that advice. Thanks for sharing! :)

I like this - I was always seeking to be balanced. One day it dawned on me that I was unbalanced. Simple. Basic. Missed it.