No wonder we are stressed and unhappy, is this really living? (who's day sounds like this one)

in #life8 years ago

I have sometime wondered who is to blame for the way we live today, from the moment we get up, when are usually awoken rudely by our alarm clocks probably at least an hour before we would naturally wake up, no matter what time we get up we are caught in the queue for the bathroom, breakfast is rushed if we do not skip it at all, rushing to the car to sit in traffic, or running for that bus or train only to find it has been cancelled, finally we make it to work and the boss is scowling at us again because we have been late 3 times already this week (and its only Tuesday!) sloping off to your desk you start working, within minutes an irate customer has you pinned to your phone taking the blame for every slight they have suffered since coming on board with your company, the same company that is paying you minimum wage and expecting you to be grateful for it, lunch is rushed, unrealistic deadlines missed, the working day finally comes to an end and guiltily you slope off to wait in the cold and rain for yet another delayed train, or in another traffic jam, arriving home you are tired and wet, you can not even get in a hot shower as guess what someones in the bathroom, you sit at the table to open your mail, more bills demanding money you have barely earned, they join the pile of other bills on the side as the kids school uniform is way more important, dinner is rushed so you can make it to the shower, five whole minutes of peace for yourself before the familiar banging on the door, someone needs the toilet, flaking out in front of braindead tv for an hour before dragging your sorry butt up to bed to try and sleep, I say try as you usually toss and turn too stressed to sleep dreading tomorrow when it all begins again, is this really living?. We can not see how pervasive this stress is everyday until we start to suffer mental and physical ill health because of it. What can we do about it? not an easy question to answer, but we all only have this one life, it is up to us to find out what makes us happy and relaxed maybe start there. I gave up a well paid career in design I was a fully feldged stressed member of society to build and open a small music studio, and hey we are scraping by most of the time literally, we dont have a big house or flash car or the latest gadgets, but at least we are free of sorts and not on the treadmill for anyone but ourselves, on our own terms . Good luck out there. stress.jpg stress2.jpg


This used to be my life. Then we decided to change it. You sacrifice a lot to gain a happier life. I will never look back.

Glad you escaped, and no I never look back either:-).

IMO, the best way to deal with stress is to set aside some time everyday to calm our mind and relieve the tension(s) in our body.

I make sure to "attack" stress with both mind and body, by setting aside 30 minutes to an hour every day to calm my mind through meditation and relieve tensions through stretching and self-massages (mostly using cheap massage tools). It seems to work wonders for me.

Not only do I feel more peaceful and generally have a better mood, but my body feels loose, relaxed and wonderful from stretching and massaging so often.

I'm planning on making a blog post about my relaxation tips, here on Steemit, pretty soon. Maybe it will be helpful to you, as it was for me :)

Thank you, I have fortunately escaped the rat race, but all tips greatly appriciated, I want others to realise that you only have one life and to enjoy it by getting off the treadmill that we think is the road we all need to be on, the truth is we are are all running to stand still we just need to take some time out to smell the roses because they are truely so sweet. Thank you for your comment.

You speak the truth!

You're welcome :)