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RE: Society is a Two-Faced Bitch

in #life3 years ago

Hey, thanks for this man.

I just finished reading it in its entirety and really like it. Hope it doesn't sound cliche' but what you just wrote really sings to me.

I am one of those that always use the word 'triggered' on others. I think I am kind of brainwashed even though I like to be in the middle.

I also get labelled a 'troll' lots by my girls and very close friends. This label though I own it. I savour it. I embrace it.

@enforcer48 said it best.

I like watching the world burn.

Not literally because I plant trees as much as I can. Friend once came to my house, his comment after seeing my backyard.

I see what you are trying to achieve here... that jungle look.

What can I say I see the order in natures chaos.

Again, thanks for the post.


I don't care about those labels. Some do stick them on at the wrong times though. Used so often, thrown around like candy; they lose their meaning. Made out to feel low for questioning something. On their own they're just words. Your comment triggered a response from me.

Well, that's good.


I was only talking about the cases where they're thrown in as an attempt to shut down dialogue.

I know.

Am just reacting getting a response like Bill and Ted.

Plenty of other words and phrases some use to weasel their way out of a difficult conversation. People are made out to feel embarrassed for not understanding or questioning. And of course there are some who are overly dramatic or obnoxious, but it doesn't make sense to lump everyone into that pile. I'm confident we've all seen it happen. Sometimes they're used humorously so that can be fun. Context matters.

I was just thinking of that. "Context"

Sometimes dickheads just hear the last paragraph of an hour long debate and start to put their two cents in.

Sometimes people just think if you disagree or don't fully understand, you're sitting on the other end going REEEEEEEE! So some have that vision in their head of a nutcase well in advance, and apply it to anyone not cheering. The one having doubts is then forced to take the blame for the vision inside the other's head. That happens with tone as well. You can write something direct, maybe a bit blunt, but perfectly calm; people hear yelling within their minds, and blame the one who isn't yelling for the voices inside their head.

Texting is still a relatively new form of communication. Several still struggle with it. And in this day and age, sometimes people are fearful of being wrong, since the 'error' is published. So if they make the mistake of viewing you as a nutcase, no matter what you say, they won't come down from that cloud.

There's probably a lot more I could have tucked inside this post but it was getting too long. That's why I appreciate you folks coming along to talk.