Swamp 101: Corporatus-Vulgarus

in #life7 years ago

What could go wrong?

The drummer for the band The Eagles, Don Henley, once wrote a song titled "Failed grasp on the big picture". This song reminds me of how often most of us fail to connect the dots. In the midst of a million distractions, we forget who is pulling our puppet strings and more importantly, forgetting the pair of scissors in our back pocket.

The institutions of banking, law and the manipulations of our language through legalese code have sown their seeds of destruction long enough and can be ignored no further. This post is about dot connection, and quickly covers some incitefull material about our corporate shame and how this mess all started, so hop on for the ride. Hope you enjoy!

The East India Company was the most feared and powerful force from the mid 1600’s until the Indian Rebellion in 1857. With prominent stockholders all over Europe, no governments dared interfere with their actions. It’s shipping fleet was more powerful than a combined fleet from coastal European monarchies, and it’s army of 260,000 was twice the size of the English army of the day. It’s influences get rather nasty early on, as this lot managed to force themselves on and extort the whole country of India and then managed to get a large portion of China hooked on opium. A fix for some silk with cannons pointed at you; "fair trade". All this from a corporation.

So, when our Founding Fathers were writing the Constitution, they well knew that corporations could become more powerful than the government for and by the people.

They set out to make sure that corporations would not exist unless expressly authorized by Congress. If authorized, they were to be only for purposes of public works projects such as building a dam. These creations of corporations were to have a beginning and an end and no stocks could be issued associated with them. All functions of any created corporation were to be held under a Charter to be expressly approved and administered by Congress. With such prudent and concrete securities in place, What could go wrong?

As soon as the ink was dry on the Constitution for the united States of America, foreign meddlers began to set forth in planning their acquisition and control of this new countries treasury. The banking battles, were an onslaught of continuous egress into our sovereign nations fragile economic platform. President Andrew Jackson never rested one day in his battles to keep these foreign powers from taking over our hallowed institution of the united States Treasury. The persistence of the foreign banking powers never ceased.

Uncivil hostilities

The Civil war was perhaps the defining moment when our Republic ceased to exist. We lasted approximately 85 years. Some say that the civil war was promoted by banking interest to further an agenda of dominance. One thing to be certain, some 50 years later, these dark forces had taken firm control of America’s treasury and it’s citizens birthrights through fraud, deceit and engineered bankruptcies.

The initial death blow to the Republic, and acquiesce to corporate control, came after the civil war with the 14th Amendment, which allowed corporations to become “persons”.

Congress, somewhere around 1868 and now acting within a different environment than its original intentions, passed this 14th Amendment. This act was to have some serious consequences for our future.

Through a decision by the Supreme Court, a corporation now had the same constitutional rights as a living breathing man or woman. And yes this amendment also made all forms of slavery illegal; except for “voluntary slavery”, which is the one type that is not mentioned. “Voluntary slavery” is slavery through and within a contractual agreement. It has been suggested that with voluntary slavery being left out, we all eventually became slaves to the “Corporation”, “the man”.

Post hostilities shenanigans

One must have to agree that once the civil war took place, half of Congress was abandoned. They had no quorum. War was never declared. It couldn't be. Only Congress could declare war. Nothing more could be settled in that chamber until a remedy could be reached. The status of our current situation was and still is martial law. President Lincoln declared it, and it’s status has never ended.

We can thank much of this mess to the invasion of the very English BAR (British Accredited Registry) attorneys, and other foreign agent actors with their unholy agenda to regain control of the Virginia Company’s and others, original colonial investments. These subversive actions included, a complete take over of financial control, the diminishing of common law and the promotion of Roman Civil & Admiralty Law as replacements. The ultimate mission of these BAR attorney’s was to gain access into politics and of course the courts systems. By writing law to contract the serfs into their own self-sealing box of limitations, a permanent self regulating system of control could be installed that no remedy could ever be found. After all, this land was still considered “the colonies” by those maneuvering behind the scenes, and it’s inhabitants “treasonous rebels”.

It is important to know that the BAR is a British secret society whose membership owes it’s allegiance to the Queen of England. Once this cult took over our court rooms, they were not keen on any non-member participating in their game, so a myth was created that all lawyers had to be BAR licensed to be in the court room. In reality, once a man or woman hires an attorney or a lawyer to represent them no matter their BAR status, the court system of today, see’s you as a “Ward of the State” and will treat you as a “Child”.

If you represent yourself “Sui Juris”, understand certain fundamentals and know how to maneuver in the courtroom, you actually stand a chance of presenting your case which usually involves dismissal, once one challenges jurisdiction.

Remember what William Shakespeare said? Even back then, people in the know, understood the problem.

District of Criminals

Upon the founding of the united States, the individual sovereign States through the structure of the national government, eventually formed a corporation to fund the functions of shared interest such as national defense. The District of Columbia became the home to this highly regulated corporation and its very limited functions, with the District of Columbia act of 1871.

Washington DC was designed to be a place of business to conduct these well defined functions of the Nation States of North America otherwise known as the united States. The States did not want another chaotic Europe on their hands, and desired some uniformity while also keeping their independence and identity intact. The States were independent and powerful and not Washington DC, whose main function, outside of expressed operations of the Republic, was a service contract company.

The corporation within the District of Columbia was solely acting under our de jur organic Republic represented as the united States and was not our government, nor designed or could pretend to be our Republic.

At some point in time, the service contract corporation did became our government. This more than likely occurred during the bankruptcy, after the very uncivil war.

Mr. Wilson’s War?

World War I was the grease needed by the bankers to slide the law of the sea over top of the law of the land and onto the shores of America. The nation of Delaware, our first State and other States were taken to issue open ended “emergency” corporations to assist in the war effort.

America’s entry into World War I, was never necessary to save Europe. This war to end all wars was the bloodiest ever witnessed in history. In 1917, the Pope intervened with a Peace Treaty that both sides could stomach. World War I could have ended and Germany would have essentially won but with no gains, however, the bankers had a different plan. America had been selected to “save” England and her allies from this supposed “raw deal”.


European bankers agents had just assured the banking take over of the United States with the 100 year charter of the Federal Reserve Corporation. This act was questionably ratified by Congress during Christmas holidays on December 23, 1913. This banking cartel take-over is what Andrew Jackson spend his whole career fighting against happening. It is interesting to note that most of the powerful enemies of these banking agents and significant opponents of the Federal Reserve Corporation Act had died with the sinking of the Titanic. With no more roadblocks, the game was on.

Back to the war drama

The Germans, having a stalemate win refereed by the Pope himself, could not believe what was to come to pass in the turn of events. The English, Belgians and their allies had been offered peace with no loss of land, all borders returning to prewar status, however once a certain meeting had taken place in the City of London, the allies turned down the Pope’s plan. The bankers knew that they could get President Wilson into the war because they now controlled America. The bankers also insisted as part of the deal, that Palestine be given to the Jewish peoples as a homeland sometime after the war settled down, in what became known as the Balfour Agreement.

So in a nutshell, they proposed; the banking elite will allow the allies to win the war and forever crush Germany because we can guarantee that we can get America into the war and win. All you have to do is let us make some serious money with the war effort, get Germany out of the way of the industrial-techno revolution to come, and then guarantee that Palestine will be opened up for Jewish settlement.

This is how the whole mess in the mid-east all got started. After World War I had ended, so had the public perception on the ban of corporations. Corporations were here to stay. Remember, our Founding Fathers knew that corporations could become more powerful than the peoples government and did manage to keep us out of harms way for quite some time. In hindsight, the ban on corporations should have been a distinct Amendment.

Marketing Bankruptcy

In 1933, President Roosevelt declared a “New Deal”. This was nothing more than a disguised bankruptcy that defaulted to European banking interest resulting from the bankers own engineered “Great Depression”, some meddling by foreign agents and the sheer ignorance of Congress. The bankers needed collateral for their loan to bail Congress out. The bankers had a plan.

The evolved “New Deal” involved each citizen being given a number at birth using a certificate, and then another through the social security scheme. The value of each citizen, represented by their fruits of labor, were given their very own CUSIP number to be bundled and traded as stock. This scheme became the collateral for the debt. Each human’s lifetime of production represented a certain amount of wealth that the bankers agreed to, as “surety” for the loan within this bankruptcy.

Now imagine if the average Joe were to have understood the depths of this deception during these events. The people would probably have strung up Congress and Roosevelt on the streetlights of DC within an overnight revolution.

A small minority of Americans were definitely suspicious of what was going on below the “Chicken in every pot” talk, especially when Mr. Roosevelt started confiscating peoples gold with Executive order #1602.

Unknown to most, “executive orders” are only for corporate UNITED STATES jurisdictional matters and apply only to federal employees and residents of Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa which are all Federal Territories.

There is a caveat here

If you agree to being a US CITIZEN, you have contracted to be a part of this Federal system based out of the District of Columbia. All statutes, codes and rules of the Federal system now apply to you.

If you check the box stating that you are a US CITIZEN on your tax form, your employment forms, your passport, your state drivers license, then you have contracted multiple times and you did this “under penalty of perjury”. They gotcha!

There is a huge difference in being a citizen and a US CITIZEN. All caps is the style of the code. All law is written in code and legalese. If your name is represented in all Caps, then you are being considered a “trust” or a “corporation” and not a living breathing man or woman. I would advise learning more on this subject. Be careful and properly vet your information.

Terms & Conditions

By the late 1960’s, rule by corporation was firmly entrenched. Admiralty law, equity law and roman civil law were now in control of our courts. Common law and your constitutional rights were gone. It is all one giant fraud. It looks like America, but it is not. How can you have any Constitutional Rights when you are declared a “Ward of the State?” and further insult to injury, you were sometimes considered “Retarded” by the State, especially if you had a marriage license (This is not a joke). The Department of Child Protective Services would have zero jurisdiction with your kids without that marriage license. See how this works? Did anyone ever ask themselves why they needed a license to get married? Another biggie was the divorce. With a marriage license, a contract is made between a husband, wife and the STATE. It’s a three way! The State is now party to this contract and has a vested interest and gets to rule in any disputes. Making more sense now?

Everything about being human was quickly flipped and classified within the definitions of being within a contractual agreement and controlled through Attorneys, Statutes, Codes and legalese. Can you do anything on the internet without clicking the little box? Do you read the Terms & Conditions?

These codes and statutes that have invaded our existence without our wet ink signature, full knowledge and awareness, may be legal, but they definitely are not lawful.

The States join the Fed

In 1968, everything that Corporate WASHINGTON D.C. was doing in deceitfully portraying itself as our organic Republic form of government was in danger of being exposed. A meeting was called together in Washington DC, titled the National Governors Conference. It was here that it was explained, that the States needed to do what Washington DC was doing and firmly be on board as Corporations. The face of their organic State governments would need to be placed in a dormant state, and forever masked, otherwise they would all hang together.

Let me make this crystal clear on how this works. A corporation calling itself the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has layered and masked itself over and made dormant and inactive, the original organic de jure Republic of the united States of America and has made everything contractual from the moment you are born until your death certificate is issued. The individual States all now operate in like fashion.

Divide & Conquer

We all must understand that we have been played by the oldest trick in the book, Divide & Conquer. The left and the right keep pointing fingers at each other for every detail of drama that emerges out of our existence. Stop it. Your political polar opposites are not who they appear be. Look beyond the veil of crafted narratives and find your fellow American. Your polar opposite is not your enemy. If you have learned anything from this writing, you may now start to understand who and what is your enemy.

All of this convoluted mess is why our Founding Father’s were careful to allow corporation activity. These efforts were to try to make sure that in the future, Defense contractors and their like, would not be having their private armies of kidnapped conscripted serfs invading foreign countries for profit and other similar abuses mankind has been attempting to shield itself from since recorded history can recall.

This is what the swamp is. It is wholesale fraud, racketeering, piracy, personage, murder and deceit all wrapped into a culture of corruption and evil so intertwined and so convoluted that decades of prosecutions could never hope to diminish.

The last resort

Thank God, Thomas Jefferson had the foresight to give us legal remedy within the preamble of the Declaration of Independence that kind of hits home these days.

Selection from the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpation's, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


An excellent read sir, and quite accurate from my perspective. You hit the major points.

In my view trying to gain remedies from our corrupt courts is a hit or miss proposition at best. Avenues for appeal and fair adjudication are frequently cut off to all but the wealthy and powerful.

The judges & courts view the common man as a slave to be used for production and have no sovereignty under their laws, corrupted through corporate interests that are contrary to the collective well being of the nation.

What you describe here are the oligarchs, the elites; the puppet masters and the system they have constructed to keep them in power and prevent others from obtaining it. My hope for the future relies on the people who have awoken to this evil and do their part to resist it, to help build alternatives that plug the loopholes that lead to institutional corruption.

What is required for freedom to flourish is responsible people to wake up to these problems and take action to help resolve them. It will not require a majority, a small minority can make all the difference. To manifest the changes required (which essentially boil down to changing people's perception to be in agreement with reality and dispel the irrational, illogical beliefs that contradict reality) massive re-education must take place to restore the ability to think properly. It requires "The Great Work" as Mark Passio calls it, to rehabilitate our minds to rational functionality, which the public indoctrination camps we call schools systematically erodes into obedient order followers.

Thanks full-steem,

I look forward to the day when this vampire cult is exposed to full sunlight and history can be written in its proper perspective to assure that the likes of these types never again will be able to connect to the air we all breathe. By the looks of matters, their world seems to be crumbling by unknown forces. The recent events in Hollywood, Saudi Arabia and in Washington DC, appear to be an opening to the exposure that we all have been waiting for. I am not holding my breath but I do remain vigilant in my high hopes.