Part VII- "Take a trip and never leave the farm"

in #life7 years ago

"To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target."
-Winston Churchill

No, no, no, don't do that!

If you've got some time, go now or after the read to the beginning of this read!

If you are not familiar with some of the “In the Know” phrases here, you may not be yet versed into the privileged fold of pilgrims; by golly. Do not miss this prior adventure. Back up and start from the beginning!!

Be sure to catch the “Part One” and up to Part VI, of this continuing and ever evolving path of creation of the “Our Farm” (new name soon) saga!

Hi all,
It’s been awhile. I’d like to take break from the “mega-farm-entertainment-venue” oriented venture of past writings, and take a different angle to this theme, and pull back the curtains. Let’s get creative, shall we?

Featherless Birds

Back in 1974, the internal “Our Farm” in me, started forming as a “Me Get Out of Dodge” revolt vs. what everyone considered normal. While I considered the whole modern civilization in line with B.F. Skinner’s “Rat Race” and purely insane, everyone around me seemed to adapt effortlessly into obedient complacency which I just considered sad and yet somewhat amusing, like a dog chasing it’s tail.

Who has been at the helm of this ship anyway?, I asked. I guess we never “Checked our Premise” as Ann Rand so often asks us to do. A world and civilization with “Amnesia” and “History Tampering” is ripe for the picking; and we’ve been plucked.

Fortunately, I kept my feathers numbered for such occasions…

“Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.”- Winston Churchill

“No Place Like Home”

Once upon a time in North America, most of us lived on a farm, and if not, we had the family tree functioning, in a full operational capacity, within some sort of productive agricultural endeavor.

There was no mortgage, no property taxes, no bills and no money was actually required. Imagine that!

One’s sweat equity could simply produce the inevitable necessary; however minimal, currency when needed. Trade ruled the day. The local area meeting place provided the pulse of what could be traded and what was in demand. Heavy bartering ensued…..

The cities could only allow for a prosperous few, and therefore force full retreat to many adventurous souls that had naively ventured into the belly of the beast. They always could be comforted in the knowing that there was always the “Family Farm” to return, for nurture and a sound soul-searching regrouping venue.

Even with all of it’s simplistic dirt floor post-perspective inadequacies, each man and women instinctively knew that; contained in the hallowed ground within their plot of land, was the knowing that there was always a bed, a pot of beans & cornbread on the stove and a place to map anew one’s dreams of new adventures that required no coins to deposit.

This was the America, the hope of the world.

The family farm was the bedrock.

It’s about 190 degrees in the pot. Feeling froggy, green, slimy, Sang-hied and hoodwinked yet?

The Destroyer Class

In the minds of the control freak bankers, “new world order”agenda, America had to change.

In order to destroy a structure, one must weaken its foundation.

Yes, our Family Farms were stolen, our factories were stolen; most all was destroyed within our land, taken away, betrayed and sold to foreign shores; but the American spirit was never broken. Remember, the concepts of the “subjects ruling themselves” that the American Revolution transformed into reality, had never before been allowed or attempted.

Individual Liberty was brand new. The King and Queen’s of the world had always had the “Divine Right” to rule. This had not been challenged in the manner in which the American Revolution had presented to the world stage. You can be assured that all efforts to render this new government null and void were given the highest priority. Hence 1812, the very uncivil, undeclared war of the 1860's and their ultimate “Coup De Grace” Federal Reserve Act of 1914.

The seeds of Liberty have now been planted in mankind's consciousness. It’s now contained within our DNA. Never again will forced or subscribed totalitarian subjugation rule the minds of mankind.

What we in the past, have know as America, as The Republic, the Spirit of the Revolution, appears to be in the process of rebirth. The corruption and world control “agenda driven” corporations and 501 “agenda driven” non-profits will soon fade away. I base this perspective on the common man’s gift of the internet and it’s overwhelming information access to each and every man and women on this planet. Even with the major attempts at de-legitimizing content within the world wide web, mankind’s built in bullshit detector is daily being fine tuned to the fraud and is constantly involved in intellectual self-preservation.

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts" -Dinesh DSouza

A Paradigm’s Death

Born in transformation, this re-branded reversed “New World Order” will first seek the “Golden Rule”. Merit and mutual respect will set the terms of honour and good will. Naturally contained within the hearts of each liberty loving man and woman will be granted the “Rule of Law”.

As the trustees regain control of the financial system, the corrupted will wither away on the vines, never again to further any agenda, to instigate bloodshed.

"There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth;
not going all the way, and not starting."
— Buddha

New ways of being

The old structure soon will inevitably wear out it’s bearings. We will all need to figure out innovations in our methodologies that will allow us to move beyond the “Survival Mentality”.

This new path for humanity, will need some forethought. Shall we be a bit preemptive? Why not.

What kind of world do we want to build?

The formula for adventure!

The self-sufficient structure of the “Our Farm” concept, discussed in my previous writings will mimic the family farm of the past. Stability, firm social foundations, comfort, social activities and redeveloping our families as the primary importance in all we do, will be an inherent part of the path.

The nature of each “Our Farm’s” social and stability functions will allow each endevour to find its nitch within it’s home-grown products and services. After all, uniformity is quite boring.

Keep in mind, the utilization of underground structures and the layout of the homes and living clusters is key in providing exceptional social environments. Furthermore, along with the agricultural landscape blending and energy efficiency benefits, this type of community will feel and look natural and in step with the land and anchor mankind's connection with mother earth. Remember, each community is self sufficient in energy production and food.

Let’s get these started now!

Imagine, each community being its own “Think Tank” of invention and creativity. Lots and lots of “Galt’s Gulchs’” each linked to each other. One community builds fast trains and monorails, one specializes in craft beer, one produces cheese and dairy products, one just does Pecans (Its in south Georgia of course!), one is a steel manufacturing conglomeration of multiple communities, one is technology service community, one is a high tech development community, etc.

Starting to see how this will provide the new paradigm pattern for our planet? No one should have to travel to work. Wake up and walk to your place of productivity. Take a trip and never leave the farm.

Hey, We need a new name for “Our Farm”. It’s already taken. I just pulled the name out of the blue hat for the 1st article and never ventured to determine a definitive name for this concept (my bad). Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated.

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge’.”- Isaac Asimov



I agree with most of what you wrote here and have similar ambitions to create a farm for my family and hopefully a community around it. Glad to see you posting again. I just sort of stumbled over here and saw you had a new one!

Also if you are unaware the Steem dollars are actually worth about $7.50 right now (but have been slowly going down) so you may want to take profits or convert to STEEM to then power up with. I'm not sure if the internal exchange is working right though so you may have to use blocktrades or bittrex.

Go to your Wallet...Steem the little drop down arrow next to your Market.... The exchange rate should auto populate... Type in the number of SBD To exchange...CLICK BUY Steem. A few seconds to minutes later it is done.

Easy peasy!

You're telling me I've been doing this the hard way the whole time! LoL

Thanks HH!

Thanks there renegade! I have obviously not paid any attention to the books. Learning a bit now thanks to your nudge. I sincerely appreciate that.

Hey, no problem. There is a lot to keep track of, I don't keep up with it all either. Happy New Year!

Stay warm up there! Happy New Year!