Nostalgic for the Future: Quantum Physics & Understanding Limitations

in #life6 years ago

James Weldon Johnson

From the Broadway play ~ God’s Trombones (This is a masterpiece. Look this up)
Limitations defined.

360 Degrees

Perched upon the top of the mountain, I see my past, I am present in the NOW, and can see clearly ahead in the direction of my dreams and the possibilities of interactions in relation to my Future.

Let's poke around the confines and possibilities for a bit, shall we. After all, we are the limit switch.

Are there any of us, currently trapped in our modern lives, entitled to call out, “ I have been to the Mountain Top”, with the conviction of Dr. King?

I think I have achieved that perfect moment, but my recollection is a bit vague, a bit foggy. Kind of like being at Woodstock, this mountain top thing. If you can remember being there, you probably were not.

What is this Mountain Top anyway? And where within misty Avalon, might this peak be found?

History speaks of many different methods of achieving this divine ascension. One can be lifted up by the wings of God himself, or one must toil through burning shrubs afoot. It appears that it can now be done through a YouTube video with surround sound and 360 panoramic views.

No, no, we can all figure this thing out.
It may take a lifetime, but the choices are seriously important; young man who boxes with God.

“If you don't know where you are going,you'll end up some place else.”
~Yogi Berra

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road can take you there”.
~George Harrison


Lets us get real and bring this into focus. Let’s define the perception in real terms of our lives.

Where can you go, or where do you go now, to be able to reflect on your life? To give good vibes to your relationships, contemplate your spirituality. Where do you go to Kaleidoscope dream your tomorrows?

Life generates distractions. The more you refuse to look for your mountain top, the more drama will ensue. It is simply a universal rule. If you are not going to participate in how you fulfill your life, life will fill in the blanks for you.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
~Eleanor Roosevelt

“Row, Row, Row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream”
~ A round song from 1852 America

Well this whole “Mountain Top” thing is a bit too dramatic for our chat this evening. How about settling for a nice “Hillside”?


Now that we have that settled, I’m gonna share my view from my “Hillside” experience the other day. I’ve been up there many times but the fog was quite thick and without some sunshine, I figured I’d be better off heading back home, and remember to task in taking some Vitamin D3 with a cold beer chaser.

My time went unfulfilled, without a tan, and pursued for quite some time in tasking, until the other day.

I arrived as usual with my soul dented by distractions and various self inflicted jabs and proceeded to shift into an unusually different state of mind. A sort of metamorphose was in order. Kind of like a kid that keeps on getting beat up and one day looks in the mirror of his soul and figures out that he is is stronger, smarter and more capable than the source of infliction.

I changed. We all do this from time to time, but this day was significant.

From this “Hillside” vantage point, the past, the present and future possibilities are not just viewed in the minds eye.
A creative force becomes available that has the potential to shape our world to come.
This thought creation is scientifically documented physics. Quantum Physics. It’s white magic for the good guys.

Are you ready to play?

A plug for the Farm| Part 1|

Check out what we are up to with “Full Sail Farm”. Start with PART I in order to better understand how this all evolved.

This is an ongoing creation to manifest Live, Work, Play agriculture based, self sufficient communities that specialize in single or multiple venues for human endeavors that are serving to support mankind's survival, advancement and cultural fortitude, with benefit to all on a higher level. The focus is for the advancement of community without suffering individual liberty. A very Jeffersonian model.

This concept is business friendly and firmly supportive of our founding fathers core beliefs. Kind of a hippie and conservative mind meld. Everything green, back to mother earth but just no socialism involved.

We hope you explore the Part I and beyond and start to develop a sense of creativity in exploring the possibilities of what our lives can be. Take a stroll up to the top of the hillside and look at your past, look at humanities past. Be in the Now and enjoy. When ready, glimpse humanity as a whole in the NOW. At this point, you will now understand the trouble we are potentially in.

Visualize the possibilities of the future. Not just for you, but for all. It only takes a few, to spark significant change in this realm. Become a creator in white.

Make the shift.


The focus is for the advancement of community without suffering individual liberty. A very Jeffersonian model.

Without suffering individual liberty? That's my objective. Individuals cannot live alone very comfortably however. We need communities built based on consent and voluntary interaction. Individual liberty still needs to be the key position to defend however. It's a paradox of sorts I suppose, but we need others without them or their ideals being forced upon us.

My God! Finnian, You caught a MAJOR error in my writing!
SACRIFICING should be the word. My god I wish we could change STEEMIT posts sometimes!!!!

A late night post without proofing issue.

Thank you so much for your observation. I will have to publish a plea of forgiveness!

Let me try this again:

"The focus for this community will be geared toward the advancement of community without suffering the indignities of group think. Individual Liberty will always be in the forefront of our endeavours. A very Jeffersonian model. "

I cringe at the mistake!

Thanks again Finnian

Hey, at least you know I actually read your post, right? LOL ;-)

Undeniable! Hey, I look forward to reading some of yours. Following.