Life And It's Difficulties

in #life3 years ago



Life and its difficulties, life and its sweetness, life and its challenges, life and its goodness. Life with its so many advantages, Life with its so many disadvantages.

Sometimes, when life's issues come knocking on our door, we feel like running away from life, we feel like disappearing totally and not having to face it anymore, but yet there is nowhere to run to, we have to remain.

But you see, life is so fair enough, by giving us an option, an option meant for only the coward. An option to run. Only the cowards run from life, only the cowards disappears when the issues of life come knocking, only they take the deadly option life has given.

For as many that is still standing strong, even when the issues become too much. For as many that are still moving, even in the face of difficulties and depression. For as many that haven't allowed the challenges of life to sweep them away.

You are welcome!!

Keep staying strong

Bad times will come

But I want you to know

That it is a phase

Phases go away with time.

Every disadvantage has an advantage.

Sweetness will come

Goodness will soon arrive

Happiness will come knocking.

Life is just the way it is.

Still, we should live.

Till God says it is over.

You should not run away.

You should not be like the cowards.

No, you should not.


It is necessary to teach yourself how to be happy even in the phase of sadness. Many difficulties are liable to come a man's way. Many things you so wish you have but unfortunately, you do not. Many things you wish to change but which you can not. Many situations you never wanted to be in. Periodically, you peek at yourself and say "Am I the one getting on through this?"

Sometimes you inquire yourself problems like "What is occurring to me?" Sometimes you feel the world is just against you. You feel the world is against you because of your inability to do better. Because the things you have been striving and doing without success is what some are doing without fail. Don't pressurize yourself too much dear. The world is just like that. You can not be in the world and not face challenges. You can not just wish for a thing to happen and everything will start happening.

Life is not a bed of roses. All you need is to work out your faith. Pray and believe that all will be well and it will. Stay strong and solid for yourself. Keep trying for the sake of everyone that looks up to you. And do not be angry with your situation. Just hold the cross. Watch the lord. And he will come.

It is the will of God that every true believer of his words gives thanks always.

I understand that the situation you have found yourself in might be too heavy for you to bear, but be grateful and give thanks still for this is the will of God.

Be grateful for every little thing you have. Be grateful in every situation. Be grateful to God for every disappointment you face. Be grateful for every success you have. Be grateful for life, every day you wake up. Be grateful for health either sound or week. Be grateful for that your successful journey every day.

Be grateful for grace. Always remember, that it is not always because of your ability to pray but it is grace you have received. Be grateful that you can eat. Be grateful for every activity you were able to do successfully. Be grateful even for your financial status, strong or week. Be grateful for salvation. Be grateful for every privilege. Be grateful that you can play. Be grateful that you can bounce. Be grateful for life. Be grateful for peace. Do not be ignorant of this little thing that others are ignorant of. God deserves all the praises. Be grateful always.


A man was standing in the queue, waiting his turn to withdraw some money from the Automated Teller Machine (ATM).

After it got to his turn to withdraw, suddenly, the machine brought out a notification that reads:

'temporarily unable to dispense cash

Gbam!!! this man angrily slammed some of the operating buttons of the machine.

Everybody was shocked at his lack of self-control. Some fellow started rebuking him for his attitude, but he never showed any sign of remorse.

Interestingly, one of the security personnel walked up to the ATM area to observe the extent of the damage. After a thorough examination of the machine, it was observed that some key buttons had been rendered inoperative.

At long last, we were all advised to leave and use other banks. Funnily enough, it was only this bank that was stationed in that busy commercial area.

Sadly, after spending about 3 hours queuing, we were all brought into this difficult situation, simply because a man cannot exercise patience in the face of a minor challenge.

Indeed, small things do affect people of small minds!

When things don't go your way as you had planned, how do you react? Do you just throw tantrums and start acting in a manner that's inconsistent with your values?

People of small minds allows petty difficulties or inconveniences to make them lose their cool! For some, they can easily become infuriated, over-blurted and envious just for no reason!

Do you get into argument with the waiter/ waitress simply because your order wasn't taken on time?

All this and many more goes a long way to show what manner of people we are made of!

Be a person of love, understanding and patience; and you will see how fair the world is!


Phases of life keep on changing bit the one who learns to remain patient, consistent, and satisfied are the prosperous ones. To be honest we are too much dependent on gadgets that now the wait almost kills us.