Anti-aging Solution: Hunza Butter

in #life7 years ago


Ever wondered how one could escape aging? Used many cosmetic products for it? Well there's a good easy solution for it now. Hunza natives seal butter in heavy cases made of birch bark, and bury it underground for up to a hundred years? This tallow-like treasure might just hold the answer behind how people from Hunza enjoy longer-than-average lives.

It is called "Matlash", Not everyone has the privilege to bury matlash either. Only 10 to 12 families per village can stockpile this local delight. Each family’s supply is marked by a colored piece of cloth or a flagstone.

Do try it and let us know.

You can read more about it on the following link:


Oh yes I heard about this butter and once I went over there My friend told me about it so this butter is very famous in Gillgit areas.