10 Lifehacks That Make Life Just A Little Bit Easyer

in #life7 years ago

There are alot of these life hacks videos poping up all the time on youtube and other social media. Ii have selected 10 that in my oppinion are worth trying out as they have actual everyday use. I have tried some myself (not all)and ended up being pleasantly supprised.

1)My favourite...Ihave tried this myself and it actualy cools beer(or any other beverage) alot faster than just puting it in a fridge on its own. This is because watter is a way better heat conductor than air thus cooling the beer faster.


2)Dismantle those hangers for clothes and use the clips for sealing basicaly any bag (chips in this case).

clips chips.jpg

3)This one I have tried countless times before and it works great. When I was younger me and my friedns would hang out in some preety shady places (that were usually very dark). We would allways use this trick as this helps you light up a room without the phone light blinding you.


4)This one is very straight forward but still very usefull especially if you are going to hammer in nails that are short in lenght....best use is for when you are hammering something to the ceiling.


5)Haven't tried this one yet, but seems kinda logical now that I think about it...Use this to avoid the meal to be melting hot on the outside and cold on the inside.


6)This for me was one of the best aswell as i had my phone stolen at the beach the previous summer...People(including me) usually just hide theis stuff under the towell on the beach, but i had my phone alnong with some change stolen, so it looks like thieves know about this...This seems preety safe to me as no one will try to steal your sun lotion.


7)One for everyday kithen use...I'm sure that many of you have heard of this before, but to all of those who have not...It works!


8)This is directed more at gardeners and florists...Toilet paper rolls are great for such cases as they are 100% biodegradeable and will turn into compost quickly.


9)It's a great idea to paint your keys so you can differenciate between them, just dont use polish. I have tried it with nail polish and it scrapes off quite quickly...Instead, use colored tape or just a permanent marker.


10)Last but not least...This actually isn't a lifehack as this is the intended use for this hole. I added this here because almost nobody knows this(I didn't) so it's still new information and can be thought of as a lifehack.



Those are some really nice hacks which should be useful when needed.
About that light thru bottle, where exactly the mobile is placed?

THX...You fill the bottle with liquid(you can use an empty one, but a full one works better) and place the phone with the light facing up under the bottle.

Ok, got it. Thank you. Appreciate the information you provided.