This is great. Basically, I'm a victim waiting to happen. lol
Some interesting information and troubling scenarios in your post. It makes me think that, yes, I need to be better prepared.
This is great. Basically, I'm a victim waiting to happen. lol
Some interesting information and troubling scenarios in your post. It makes me think that, yes, I need to be better prepared.
It starts small with the idea that things go wrong sometimes. What would I do to protect my children is a good place to start. If the answer is nothing then don't get prepared. If the answer is anything else, then get prepared. Thinking about what could happen is easy because we can simply look back at history and see how depraved and disgusting humans can be towards each other and that natural disasters occur. We know they have and know they will do so again.
Ps. We are all victims to some degree as things can always happen outside of our ability to control them. Limiting the impact on us from certain circumstances can help though. Imagine having a swimming pool at home, like many in Australia do, and not having it properly fenced or not supervising the kids when they are in there and not knowing first aid. The child get's into trouble and drowns...This could have been prevented by a little preparation, but many just don't do it. Victims, the drowned kid and the parents who didn't prepare.
That's good. I should probably think about 'what if' scenarios. You get spoiled living in Finland. Most of the mild scenarios end in 'Nah, it'll be fine.' But I should consider a wider range of scenarios including lesser likely ones. Then I can think more about how to be prepared for such things.
Sounds good. Hopefully you never get into a scenario where you feel out of control however it's not inconceivable that it could happen. Thats really the point of my post I guess. That to be prepared doesn't mean a bunker in the back yard necessarily. Has anyone ever fallen through the ice and into a lake? They would need rescuing and some action would be required. Being prepared for that would be a good idea I think.